Staying Full after Breakfast



  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    I eat oatmeal (not the instant kind) every day with 2 full eggs. It keeps me full until lunch

    I cooked the oatmeal (Old fashioned) with water, cinnamon stick and some raw apple. After first boiling, I add skim milk. Finally, I served it with ground cinnamon as a topping and some blueberries. Very filling.

    Good luck in your journey
  • flsusi
    flsusi Posts: 22 Member
    I found that having an egg white omelette for breakfast keeps me full longer than anything else - I could go to lunch with just that, but make it a point to still eat my snack (apple or yogurt) at 10am to keep the metabolism going.

    my go-to morning omelette is:

    9 tablespoons of liquid eggwhite
    2 slices of tomato
    1 piece of bell pepper
    some green onions
    2 slices of turkey

    chop everything up, throw it in the eggwhite, and make an omelette out of it. Its delicious, has lots of protein and keeps you going! (it adds up to somewhere between 160-200 calories, so it isn't a bad start for calorie counting either)
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    Oatmeal is a good go to but you have to be careful about the sugar content in most packaged instant ones.

    True. After looking at the label the only instant oatmeal I found that didn't add sugar was Greenwise (though there are many long cooking varieties of oatmeal without added sugar).
    AMANDAJOY1104 Posts: 36 Member
    Well hear I am at 930am, about 3 hours after my breakfast. I'm not hungry, just craving something sweet... Like a bakery donut...
    lol... *Sigh*
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Peanut butter is the devil I tell ya. I hear everybody say it's good fats and good blah, but when you take and spread it on a small tortilla and it takes up 500 calories of your day (because you know one is not going to "fill" you).... I don't know how anybody could not hate it.

    Oatmeal is a good go to but you have to be careful about the sugar content in most packaged instant ones.

    I can for the most part stay content, I have no idea what full feels like.

    Golly you must live a miserable existence.

    Yes.... thus the reason I have epically failed at the weight loss game. :sad:
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Peanut butter is the devil I tell ya. I hear everybody say it's good fats and good blah, but when you take and spread it on a small tortilla and it takes up 500 calories of your day (because you know one is not going to "fill" you).... I don't know how anybody could not hate it.

    Oatmeal is a good go to but you have to be careful about the sugar content in most packaged instant ones.

    I can for the most part stay content, I have no idea what full feels like.

    Have you tried PB2 powdered peanut butter? You mix it with water, it tastes great and 1 T of prepared peanut butter has only 45 calories and hardly any fat and sugar. I don't eat a ton of peanut butter but it's one of those things I crave once in a while and it satisfies me.
    That's what that was....I thought I saw crumbles of some sorts in the pb asile last night. I was in a hurry so I didn't get a chance to investigate, but I'mgoing to have to do that.
  • ravenbard
    ravenbard Posts: 51
  • ravenbard
    ravenbard Posts: 51
    I love peanut butter but have not eaten any in long while... I could take a spoon and jar of pb and be a contented you know what... but I don't.
  • ShaylaWaruk
    I too have porridge for breakfast; I have 1/2 cup of porridge, with some flax seed, cinnamon, heaping teaspoon of peanut butter and 1/2 serving of whey protein powder. Have to drink lots too in between.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I stay full on fiber and/or lean protein....

    good luck!
  • SunriseSally55
    SunriseSally55 Posts: 16 Member
    I have cut out all wheat products right now... they turn to sugar & make you feel hungry which leaves you empty feeling. I have a protein shake with 4 or 5 slices of Oscar Meyer turkey bacon with sea salt... very filling & lasts until lunch time. Plus if you are drinking half of your body weight in water you shouldn't feel hungry. Drink up it's good for you! And peanut butter is great just a tsp will do your body good especially after working out. Dr. Oz say to get the most benefit from peanut butter eat it within 30 minutes of your work out.
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    Sounds like a protein packed breakfast that will keep you full.

    My go-to breakfast is a Kind Plus Protein bar and a yogurt. Maybe a whole fruit as well if I'm really hungry. If I have time to actually cook a breakfast I like to make a 3-egg omelet.
  • Shannon_S_A
    Shannon_S_A Posts: 3 Member
    Are you drinking your water? I can't believe that's coming from me water was my enemy for years. I either have a two egg omelette loaded with veggies or I have a boiled egg and a bowl of shredded wheat with 1/2 C. milk.

    I'm never hungry before lunch. sometimes not even by lunch (that's the problem). sometimes I forget to eat lunch and then after dinner I have like 600 calories left for the day at the worst time of day to be eating... so I eat as many as I can and try to do something active.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    Everyone's journey is different, we all have different starting points and end goals. Having said that I have found that staying w/i my total calories for the day (I almost always come in at least 200 under) and not being hungry throughout is easiest when I eat many small 'meals' a day. I have oatmeal with fresh fruit in the morning and then I have at least two snacks before lunch, something like 10 mini pretzels, a part-skim string cheese, a 1/2 cup mixed fresh fruit, along those lines. Then I am good until lunch, I do the same in-between lunch and dinner. This works for me, but it is also easy because I work in an office and can bring all of my food with me everyday. I hope you find what works for you! I keep telling my friends (and myself too - no one is perfect!) who struggle with staying on track, don't beat yourself up over a slip, get up, dust yourself off and get back on the bike.... good health is a life journey, not a sprint.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Well hear I am at 930am, about 3 hours after my breakfast. I'm not hungry, just craving something sweet... Like a bakery donut...

    Cravings will go away if you don't feel your sweet tooth for a while. A lot of people have a square or two of very dark chocolate. That might work for you. (but if you're anything like me, you need to break it into squares instead of carrying around a candy bar.I have mine in a glass container in the cabinets and just grab a small square when I'm really wanting chocolate. It won't help with a baked goods craving, though!
    I am starting to believe what I have been reading about many small meals.

    I tried that for a while and hated it. I felt like I was eating constantly. I think I do better when I eat two or three real meals a day.
  • kcrxgirl
    kcrxgirl Posts: 114 Member
    I spread out my breakfast a little. I eat my 80 cal greek yogurt around 8 and then my 120 cal reduced-sugar instant oatmeal around 10. That's only 200 cals so leaves some room for juice, milk or creamer in my coffee.
  • thepezzle
    thepezzle Posts: 40 Member
    Hmm... I usually try to eat a hearty breakfast (protein and fats maybe a little carb action if I have it) and drink some black coffee. Today I had an omelette with 2 eggs, 1 white, spinach, tomatoes, garlic and an ounce of white cheddar and I'm about to french press my coffee. I'm an artist and once I've had my coffee I tend to get very absorbed into my work so most of the time, so I don't really think about snacking even though I work from home. If I'm commuting somewhere by foot a banana and a handful of cashews does the trick for me.

    For breakfast, when I've been pressed for time/ingredients, sometimes I have a fistfull of carrot sticks, a cup of blueberries and a half cup of rice mixed with sriracha sauce. Something about the combination of vegetables and quick energy from rice seems to help during the first hours.
  • Charweezie
    Charweezie Posts: 115 Member
    well it looks like your going to hungry way before lunch. The thing is, you SHOULD eat and a mid morning snack would help. I Typically take a protein shake in the morning and have either a piece of fruit, 1 egg and or coffee before i have lunch. it really keeps me satisfied so im not starving by lunch time.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I eat breakfast later (around 10) - which keeps me full til lunch (around 1)

    No way could I last from 7 until 1 on one bowl of oatmeal, I'd have to have a morning snack which would just be additional calories.

    I'm not even hungry when I wake up so I figured I would leave breakfast until I'm hungry.
    AMANDAJOY1104 Posts: 36 Member
    Ok, 1230pm and I'm eating my lunch... Don't judge, I know it's a horrible lunch!! Lean Pocket and 36 Reduced Fat Cheese Nips... LOL.. I have 41 pretzel sticks for a snack later before dinner...

    Don't know what to have for dinner yet...