I'm not really new...


My name is Megan and I am a yo-yo dieter! I lost 157 pounds on WW (while using MFP off and on as well) and then I hit a plateau and gained back about 30 pounds. Then, I got pregnant and gained back a whole lot more! I'm now about 40 pounds under where I originally started WW at. This drives me crazy when I think about it, but having a baby and working at a very stressful job has really affected my weight loss process! I'm still doing WW, but I am using that more for the support from the meetings and I'm logging every day on MFP. I NEED to lose the weight for good this time. I'm hoping that by reaching out to a community of people trying to lose weight, I will stick to it this time!


  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    You can do it. Remind yourself: you already did it once, so you know you can do it again. Good luck.
  • believeinme0430
    believeinme0430 Posts: 270 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • MaryT9277
    You have the will power you have done it before!! Good luck x
  • melly0405
    melly0405 Posts: 215 Member
    You did it once you can do it again just don't get discouraged and give up. You have a baby now so being healthy is more important than ever. Put the brakes on the weight gain now you can do it you just have to take it a pound at a time.
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    I lost weight with Weight watchers as well. I loved the program it just got too expensive. I still do the program just without the weekly weigh ins. Feel free to add me!