Pushing Limits

Howdy everyone,

I've finally got a significant amount of time to focus on my workouts (though nutrition may be a bit more outside my control than I'd like due to my work environment), so figured I'd finally use the MyFitnessPal app that I downloaded ages ago.

Seems like a pretty solid community, looking forward to tracking progress and meeting goals. For me, those consist of strength gains and a faster 5k. I'm currently using Erin Stern's 4-week workout program (from Bodybuilder dot com) to get myself back into shape, and in two weeks I'll be giving Hard Body Training for Women from T Nation a try. I'm also incorporating cardio (3-4 mile runs and one day of sprints) to try and bring down my 5k time.

I know, I know - low-intensity steady-state cardio is the death of strength gains and not the best for weight loss. Got it, but the 21-min 5k is a goal for me nonetheless, and as long as I push myself to increase speed when I get comfortable, my thought is that it shouldn't be too detrimental.

As far as nutrition, I like the way this app tracks everything. Unfortunately, I'll be traveling somewhere for work where I can't purchase and prepare my own food, but hopefully I'll have enough options at restaurants to make good choices. *fingers crossed*

Anyway, I'll cut my rambling off here. If anyone read this, thanks. If anyone wants to be a virtual buddy on any of those programs/goals, I figure the more the merrier!