Unhappy about Weight Loss (5'7)



  • Ashshell
    Ashshell Posts: 185
    You have a great body. Your post makes me sad because I have been where you are and I know how horrible it feels. Please feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I'll tell you this: I felt fat at 140 lbs, 128 pounds, and I still feel fat most of the time at 118. I've also realized I'm crazy, and that losing any more weight would be very bad for me. Body dysmorphic disorder is a terrible thing, and you should see a therapist if you can, rather that trying to lose weight. It will never bring you happiness.
  • Emily_20x
    Emily_20x Posts: 175 Member
    I feel exactly the same with my body :(
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    I'll tell you this: I felt fat at 140 lbs, 128 pounds, and I still feel fat most of the time at 118. I've also realized I'm crazy, and that losing any more weight would be very bad for me. Body dysmorphic disorder is a terrible thing, and you should see a therapist if you can, rather that trying to lose weight. It will never bring you happiness.

    @OP - you need to read this ^^^ over and over again.
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    Please get help now while you are young. Build your self esteem, build your muscle, find some supportive friends and some great hobbies. Volunteer with people who are differently-abled or for Special Olympics.

    Read the book, How to Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran
    most women do look like models, even models don't look like models in real life.

    My dear, you are at a good weight for your height. Learn to love yourself.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    You could attain your perfect weight and body shape, but I think you would still be very unhappy.
    I also recommend seeing a counselor so you can begin to realize your inner beauty, value and worth.
  • heathmarie143
    heathmarie143 Posts: 38 Member
    When I was graduating highschool/starting college, I felt the same way you did. I was 5'2" and around 125lbs, and I was disgusted with how I looked. Now, after having a baby and sitting at 170lbs for over a year I WISH I was back to my college weight. Looking back, I can't believe I thought that my weight back then wasn't good enough.

    You are at a normal weight for your height, a HEALTHY weight. If you feel you would like to tone up, that is understandable. Lift weights, or do exercises that will work the muscles you wish you tone.... but by all means don't try to lost another 20 lbs! I agree with the others that say you should maybe see a therapist.... I've been seeing one for over a year for my issues and I must say it does help. If you don't want to talk to a professional, at least talk to your friends on here! You are beautiful just the way you are, and another 20lbs IMO would make you look sickly....

    I wish you luck with your journey, and if you ever want to talk feel free to friend me! I hope that you decide to listen to us when we tell you that you're body is great the way it is :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If you are 5'7 and 134lbs and still think you're "fat" I'd say you have an unhealthy idea of what "fit" is. My advice, is maybe see a professional about your incredibly low self esteem and try to work on your self image....and lift heavy weights and eat maintenance calories at this point.

    ETA I do not see 1 roll on your body

    ^This. Please seek help!
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    If you are 5'7 and 134lbs and still think you're "fat" I'd say you have an unhealthy idea of what "fit" is. My advice, is maybe see a professional about your incredibly low self esteem and try to work on your self image....and lift heavy weights and eat maintenance calories at this point.

    ETA I do not see 1 roll on your body
    ^^ This
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Are you able to seek counseling to help with your low self-esteem and other mental health issues? As others have said, you aren't fat. You do need some help with how you view yourself. It will hold you back more than you will ever know.
  • Atishi87
    Atishi87 Posts: 51 Member
    You are in a healthy weight range. Having said that, fitness models (not runway) your height are usually around 125-135 lbs with amazing bodies with low body fat percentage. I have been in your position (I am 25, and 5ft 7, and I have fluctuated between 117-137 lbs range. 117 was too skinny and I felt weak. Right now I am 125-127. But, it's not about weight on the scale, it's how your body looks and more importantly feels.

    You should eat right. Healthy wholesome foods, like vegetables, fruits, lots of lean meat and healthy fats. I do a 45:35:20 split of protein:carbs:fat.
    I also weight train 3-4 times a week, lift as heavy as possible. Cardio 2-3 times a week.

    I have noticed a world of difference in how my body looks and feels and how good I feel about it. Remember you ll notice a difference if you are consistent and give it a few months. And throw away that scale. Rely on the mirror.

    To everyone, telling you are delusional, they are not being harsh. You do sound like you have a very distorted body image. I blame the media and our culture for all this perfect body shape crap. But, trust me, beauty is skin deep, health goes way beyond.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    I can only say maybe if I am to lose 20 pounds

    20 pounds would put you quite small for 5'7''. I agree with the other poster that you would probably benefit from counseling. 135ish is a healthy weight for 5'7''. You shouldn't feel disgusting.

    If you want to get stronger, get a trainer and work on strength training. Lift heavy. You'd probably like the results. If you want to feel better, maybe you should look at your diet. Are you eating enough protein, enough quality fats, enough fruits and vegetables? Are you getting enough sun? A few of those things might help.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    you have the body I want to get to...

    I would lift heavy to tone but based on your photo, you look amazing
  • MrsGonsalves16
    MrsGonsalves16 Posts: 18 Member
    Body dismorphia (I think that's how it's spelt) is a very common thing to have, you will never be 100% satisfied with the way you look no matter how hard you try and so the best thing to do is to try speak to someone like your doctor who can help with this. I'm not saying you have this but it sure does sound like it. I can honestly say you look great in this pic and dont need to lose anymore weight. I'd love to look that good!! Good luck :)
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I think you have a lovely little figure..................!!!!

    My oh my girl you are being way too harsh on yourself..... There are people who are the same height as you, and have lots of weight too lose...!!

    Ok.... Tone up, Use some weights, do some classes, Your not big AT ALL!!

    Maybe you should go to the doctor and seek some advice.... Yes body dismorphia is what you have!

    You've got to learn to be happy with what god gave you, otherwise your spend your WHOLE life being unhappy

    Life is way too short!!!!!!!!!! Work with your best assets, go out with friends, have fun, laugh...and enjoy life!!!
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm 20 years old and I am 5'7, I fluctuate between 134-137, unhappily. I exercise, do my best to eat healthily-drink water, and focus rigorously not just for how I look, but to help my health/fitness. I'm young and there's no reason as to why I should not be fit. However, I am utterly depressed and disgusted with how I look. I started my journey in 2011, that February. I never set a weight loss goal because it started out as me just wanting to lose weight due to years of being saddened, feeling "ugly" and believing I was hideous/unworthy of attention because of how I looked. (Granted, due to years of scrutiny and mistreating- it was hard for me to feel otherwise) I don't like to choose a goal weight most days because you can look and feel healthy/great at any weight. You can be fit at any weight. Everything depends, essentially. However, where I am now, which I've been since February, has depressed me unlike anything else. I am disgusted with my body, perhaps even more than I ever have been in some ways. I hate that I feel stuck, almost trapped. At this point I can only say maybe if I am to lose 20 pounds, I will feel that I look better, but it may not be true.

    To be honest, it's never enough. I have rolls, excess fat, and surely I love that as a woman we are naturally softer- however I just find my body to be very disgusting because of these things. I'd like to tone, and I know I have to hit the weights, which I do, but I want to still be smaller. I hate this feeling, and have resorted into a depressive hole. I'm constantly resorting to looking at the bodies of other women, not in envy, but with sadness because I just believe I am meant to be stuck in this horrible body. Ultimately my goal is to love myself inward to out, because I have a lot of growing to do, considering my "esteem" is unreasonably low in this way. I hate that I hate the way I look, and I hate that I feel like I never improve. I hate the layers of sagging back fat, and jiggly thighs, and the width of my broad shoulders. Now I came here to ask if I am to lose 20 pounds, 20-25, will I still have the same shape? I would like to look curvy but just smaller/toned in some way.

    Also, I know to focus more on measurements and body fat, but if that weight number goes up, I know mentally I will suffer because I don't like how I looked at any bigger size, though I'm sure I'll look smaller- it will just bother me to know I did not lessen my weight. I'm sorry to share this with all of you, but I hope someone reads this with understanding, considering I know I am not alone on this forum and am able to be open/honest with all of. We're in it together.

    I feel like I haven't gotten fitter, I still feel pathetic. I also feel like this weight is holding me hostage, and I still in someway want to be that beautiful/fit/healthy young woman that I never had the chance to be.

    I will post more photos later to show what I am talking about with rolls, but any advice as to how to lean out my body/lose this excess weight/ in general would be helpful.


    Thanks for reading. x

    I can certainly understand being frustrated even when your body weight is in the healthy range. I am 5'3, 114 pounds, and can only lose 10 pounds before I veer into the underweight category (I think I could actually lose closer to 20 pounds before being too skinny). Yet, I have a potbelly that seriously looks pregnant, my thighs jiggle like crazy, and if I jump up and down, I can *feel* the fat on my lower back jiggling. It sucks. That being said, I would not say I have a "horrible" body, nor would I call myself fat. I just have some trouble spots.

    The pic you posted is grainy with bad lighting, and honestly, from the angle, appears to be a pretty flattering pic. I am not sure if you purposely chose that one for that reason. From the pic, it is impossible to tell if you have your own trouble spots, or whether this is all in your head. Regardless, since you describe yourself as horrible looking and disgusting, I do think some counseling might be in order. Yes, I've had moments where I've cried because I caught myself in the mirror with my stomach hanging out over my pants, or my back fat hanging out, but I've never truly thought I had a horrible body.

    Here's something to keep in perspective. I had a really bad day in early 2012 where I cried for like 2 hours because I was so frustrated with my weight (I was in the middle of losing baby weight from my pregnancy in 2011). My husband was absolutely disgusted with me. I started carrying around a picture of a random person in a wheelchair, to remind myself that my weight was something I could change, and even if I couldn't, having a potbelly and back fat isn't the worst fate in the world. You should appreciate your body not just for how it looks, but for all the things it enables you to do.
  • cmb67
    cmb67 Posts: 46 Member
    If you are 5'7 and 134lbs and still think you're "fat" I'd say you have an unhealthy idea of what "fit" is. My advice, is maybe see a professional about your incredibly low self esteem and try to work on your self image....and lift heavy weights and eat maintenance calories at this point.

    ETA I do not see 1 roll on your body

    I agree. I am 5'6" and 135 is my goal weight... 140 realistically. I think any chart you look at will tell you that you are in a healthy range for your height (on the low end), and losing 20 pounds is just unhealthy. If you want to feel better, lift weights, work on aerobic capacity, and most important, learn to like who you are.
  • Maikana2
    Maikana2 Posts: 13 Member
    You have a really nice body and shapy one too. Your weight is good. Do you have someone to talk to and maybe a professional as suggested. Mom, aunt, sister, cousin. Go to the doc. If you have self esteem with this body, you will have a lot of trouble down the road.
  • confetti_blind
    confetti_blind Posts: 91 Member
    BDD is sad.

    You look great. You don't need to lose weight.

    But I am sure that you have heard that a heap of times already and it probably doesn't help.

    I definitely agree that getting some therapy would be of a huge benefit to you.

    PS: Remember.... "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance" - Oscar Wilde.
  • MissSaturday
    MissSaturday Posts: 784 Member
    Maybe you should think that million of people ever day pray to have a body like yours! you should be happy