Chocolate dipped bananas <3

jacolyncoker Posts: 86 Member
edited September 21 in Recipes
This is my favorite, and surprisingly low calorie, snack!
Its pretty simple,

just take a banana, which is about 105 calories,
and roll it in the dolci frutta chocolate dip, which is 80 calories per serving.

Stick a toothpick in it and viola! delicious :)

Also, a lot of people like to freeze the banana before they dip it, so that's another option.


  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    my breakfast doesnt total much more than your snack that will sustain you for a short burst whereas i last the whole morning on mine
  • gecallo
    gecallo Posts: 135
    It sounds delicious...hope it isn't a frequent snack though :o]
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I believe it is thanks to snacks like this that I am overweight!!!!!!!!!

    hang on, I believe it is thanks to over-eating snacks like this that I am overweight!!!!!!
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    this comes from someone who is looking for reasons she has gained 20lbs on another thread!!
  • this comes from someone who is looking for reasons she has gained 20lbs on another thread!!

    Whoa, seriously? Jacolyn just wanted to share a snack that she probably doesn't indulge in everyday and you felt a need to nastily compare your breakfast and then say this? That isn't what these boards are. Act like an adult.
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    on the other thread she couldnt understand where she gained the weight from--also compulsive sunflower seed eating--i just speak as i see things--free world to have any opinion i want
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    this comes from someone who is looking for reasons she has gained 20lbs on another thread!!

    I cant see where she posted that, I've seen her sunflower seed addiction, but looking through her handful of recent posts she mentions cellulite and exercise?
  • Who doesn't indulge a're all telling me you are saints when it comes to bland healthy food to mouthwatering snacks?

    Why are you on here then?

    Burn me at the stake I just ate a chocolate button.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    this is ridiculous. :huh:

    @ de1amo: u mentioned that ur breakfast was lower caloried but u didn't mention what it was and how many calories. could u do so b/c other ppl may be interested in knowin what it is that u eat (such as myself). i am always open 2 knew foods :tongue:

    also not every1 does the same breakfast everyday and for her it probably lasts a good while (i eat a bowl of cereal with soy milk, this lasts me abt 2.5-3hrs) every1's body is different. (she is eatin a banana btw, so it does more than give her a short burst of energy).

    also she said it was a SNACK not a breakfast. and it may NOT b the reason she gained weight IF that was her posting.

    also with the sunflower addiction, she's obviously aware that she overindulges with it & is on her way to overcome it (i applaud her for that b/c any type of addiction is hard 2 overcome (good luck on that jocelyncoker!!))

    @ jocelyncoker: i normally have a cheese stick which is only 50 calories and would welcome any other ideas for a snack that is abt 100 calories. i love banana's & chocolate but have never tried the 2 together. & it sounds delicious :tongue:

    thanks for the suggestion!!
  • jacolyncoker
    jacolyncoker Posts: 86 Member
    this comes from someone who is looking for reasons she has gained 20lbs on another thread!!

    Oh, you poor soul. I don't think I ever said I gained 20 lbs. I am actually quite thin. Your breakfast in less than 185 calories? Well, when you go into starvation mode, kindly let me know so I can say 'you deserve it.'
    I was sharing a snack, you do realize that if you exercise enough you can afford to eat stuff like this, right? It isn't even that many calories, AND its filling.
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    thanks for sharing ur recipe!! this sounds like a yummmmyyy dessert =]

    it is better than ice cream, it's so easy to make && its 185 calories!


    also, i am a strong believer of "if u got something nice to say.. say it! if not... press the back key and go read another thread!"


    i weigh 119, im 5'6".
    i endulge in something nice everyyy day!

    no offense to anyone .. id try this recipe =]
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