TDEE and activity level

Hello dear reader. So my main question is trying to figure out what "bracket" of activity level I fit into, and is there a better way to calculate this weekly?

The main trouble I'm having is, the difference between Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) and Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) is quite a large margin as far as calories burned in a week is concerned (2500 calories large).

Is there a better guideline than this? Like calories burned in a given workout period that could place you in a bracket that varies weekly or for a given time?

Since middle January every time that I workout I've been wearing my wahoo heartrate monitor (which I calibrated 3 times each giving within +/-3 bpm for the zones, which seems pretty accurate to me, and right in the ballpark of the generalized 220-age*%). I've typically been doing 3 hard lifting days a week without miss, averaging about 1000 calories burned each workout. However, February 1st I strained an intercostal, and having injured an intercostal several years ago I have been pretty light on my lifts and have done cardio/HIITs almost exclusively this month.


1st Sun LIFTs Hurt Ribs 95m 925cal
3rd Tues Cardio 30min 390cal
4th Wed Cardio 31min 398cal
5th Thurs HIIT 46min 583cal
(2296cal 1-7)
8th Sun HIIT 42min 576cal
11th Wed HIIT 42m 548cal
14th Sat HIIT 41m 521cal
(1645cal 8-14)
15th Sun Walk 60m 2.2mi 296cal
16th Mon LIFTs 2mi 13m + 85m 754c
20th Fri HIIT 42min 572cal 6.38mi
(1622cal 15-21)
22nd Sun LIFTs 92min 1075cal 1.45mi
24th Tues Cardio 44min 444cal
27th Fri LIFTs 962cal
(2481cal 22-28)

So for this month which admittedly is a bit odd I've been doing on average 3 workouts a week, but I took over two weeks off from lifting and then started easing back into it slowly, but from what I've done as far as this month goes, I'm guessing that I fit somewhere nearer the Moderately Active than the Lightly Active TDEE?

My BMR is between BMR is 2140-2147 calories from the Harris-Benedict/Katch-McArdle formulae respectively. I'm 6'2, 212ish pounds, 28 years old, with somewhere around 14.3-15.4% bodyfat according to the calipers.

Over the last 27 days I've eaten 56,326 calories (2086 avg daily), and burned 8044 calories in the gym. Now, my MFP daily goal is set to 2158 and I've not been eating my exercise calories back or recording them in MFP because I like keeping them separated for now.

According to my Sedentary TDEE would be 2438, my Lightly Active TDEE would be 2794 calories, and my Moderately Active TDEE would be 3150 calories.

I guess my question is, what is my actual TDEE with my workouts, how do you actually handle this variable? I don't really have much interest in eating back a portion of my exercise calories, I would like something with less daily variation ideally.

I'm losing fat at a decent rate I think, but I would like to optimize this, and maybe increase my daily calories a bit without sacrificing fat loss, and probably increasing to 4 workouts per week, albeit more so around 3000-3500 calories burned per week easing back into a 3-day lifting routine keeping 1 additional day for HIIT per week.

Anyway that is my plan, but I'm a bit skittish on upping my daily calories since I haven't been above 2158 per day since November of 2012 when I started calorie counting, and I'm not sure how high I can set it and still have good results.

Anyway, thanks for reading and thank you for any input/advice.