Ever "cheated" and not gained?



  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    Hey hun. I had 3 slices of cheese and tomato pizza and it had cheese stuffe crust to. i gained 2lbs and lost it 2 days later. Dont worry about it. Enjoy your birthday and start fresh tomorrow. This was mr grey movie night i had it lol. Was tummy. I dont have pizza much so why not have a treat eh x
  • ChaiTea2015
    I let myself cheat once in a while just to keep myself from falling off the bandwagon too hard. If I deny myself too much I'm afraid I'll binge and eat a lot for several days in a row. So I give myself a cheat day and that usually comes after losing a significant amount of weight that week. I let myself have that burger or onion rings I've been ignoring for the last 3 weeks then I get right back on track the next day. It actually makes it easier for me to focus without the cravings being at the forefront of my mind.

    On Super Bowl Sunday I planned to eat a lot so I had a small breakfast and a moderate sized lunch and then scarfed down about 2500 calories worth of chicken wings and snacks at dinner time. Stepped on the scale the next day and I'd lost 4lbs. So I agree with everyone else. One day is not going to ruin everything you've accomplished. If anything it gives you more motivation to get right back on track.
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    Sunday is my cheat day. I never log, and I always have a pint of ice cream. Having that day to eat yummy treats keeps me focused Monday through Saturday.
  • Nottafattie
    Nottafattie Posts: 140 Member
    I'm 5'2", close to my goal weight with a 1200 daily calorie budget. I lose about a pound every 2 weeks because I'm that close and have no wiggle room whatsoever. That being said, I occasionally have what I call acceptance days where I accept that life happens and choose to enjoy it. I do not weigh myself the next day because I know there will be water weight gain (basically impossible to gain fat that quickly. Look at how long it takes to lose it). Even with an acceptance day (or two) within that two weeks period, I am staying on goal with my weight loss. One day will not undo weeks or months of hard work unless you give up after that day. That being said, not allowing yourself something that feeds the soul every once in a while will make the journey a miserable one and difficult to stay with. Have your cake and eat it too. Laugh and make good memories with friends and family. Most of all, focus on your victories and not your husbands. Look at where you were and where you are now. You did that. Don't let someone else's journey take away from what you have accomplished.
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    I weigh in Saturday morning and cheat at least once a week because it keeps me sane. This last week I cheated 2 days one day over 200 and another 600 over. I just weighed in and still lost 3 lbs because the rest of the week I made sure to stay in calories and lower sodium days and plenty of water and/or Greentea.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Nope, but I don't cheat. I just eat what I want within my caloric needs, or eat above my caloric needs wtih an understanding of how that will slow down my weight loss. I've eaten at or above maintenance and failed to lose weight and I"m sure I've gained scale weight (water weight) before too. I've gained when I DIDN'T eat above maintenance, because the bod fluctuates.
  • mom2ava07
    mom2ava07 Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks for all the responses. It really put my crazy into perspective. I jogged/ran an hour on the treadmill, and pre logged all my food (including cake and pizza) and found that it wasn't as bad as I thought. Now, where did I put that cake? ;)
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Happy birthday! My birthday is coming up in two weeks. I have a gift certificate to the local Chinese buffet restaurant that I've been saving and I *know* that my friend Dan will want to take me out to eat as well. I'm probably going to make myself a sugar-free buttermilk pie as a treat so that I don't feel obligated to eat sugary desserts at the restaurants. I will log it and be astonished at how many calories I consume. The next day I will go back to eating as I've become accustomed to eating and all those extra calories will be accounted for in less than a week. I've done this for other special days and have never seen any major setbacks. Even eating as I wanted for the week that I was sick didn't set me back more than a couple of pounds and it made me feel much better when I could eat my comfort foods.

    I agree with others when they say that you need to learn to relax and learn moderation. However, going off the rails for a day won't hurt you.
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    I cheated yesterday. Starting the day off with a slice of breakfast pizza from Caseys. When I logged it I was shocked at the calories.....443!!! I figured I would just watch my calories the rest of the day. Then supper came, and an invite to dinner. I ended up at a place with a buffet. I ate, and ate and ate. Fried chicken, clams, shrimp, pot roast, rolls, a baked potatoe. You get the picture. Anyway, this morning when I stepped on the scales I was 2 pounds down. I couldn't believe it! I am with the others when they say one meal isn't going to either make you or break you. Have a great birthday!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Um. Yes. All the time. Because I'm not eating 3,500 calories over maintenance all willy nilly.

    Relax OP. It's your freaking birthday. Have some pizza and cake. And up your calories for crying out loud.
  • cmoll520
    cmoll520 Posts: 60 Member
    I cheated once on my bday (jan 23) and this past weekend I was at my grandmas and ate more than I should for a couple days. I still managed to not gain weight and I have actually lost more this last week than in any other week (2.5lbs).