I am sharing my story next week!! So nervous!

Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
edited September 21 in Success Stories
Its finally here! My speaking engagement that I was asked to do way back in DEC, lol. I am glad I have had this time to prepare for it. Yet, I am still at a loss of what to say exactly. Someone gave me the advice of making sure I had someplace to come back to, in case I get off track. Any suggestions from all you wonderful people??? I have put a flyer together with four progression pics, and my measurement stats. and I will have a board with pics from as early as my childhood. but other than than , I dont know what to say!

:flowerforyou: thanks for your help!


  • Rea_K
    Rea_K Posts: 51
    I bet it will all come naturally, and even if you did plan it and write out a 'script you would scrap it and speak from the heart. I say, pretend you're doing and just see what comes out. If you lik speak from the heart you'll figure it out. If you like to prep maybe just write down a few key points that you'd like to include so you don't forget anything. Just say how you used to feel, how you feel now. How losing weight has affected you. Even if you just have some bullet points with just one word, I bet you'll find a hell of a lot to say from just looking at the word. I'm not really a prep person so this sort of thing works for me.
  • jcarker
    jcarker Posts: 14
    After losing 167 pounds, I have to immagine that you are very passionate about all the work it took to do that.nyou have worked hard, and had many ups and downs. When you stand in front of those people, speak from your heart. The best tesimony of all is you. Standing there, a shadow of your formal self. Those people will be there because they are interested in your story. They are interested in you. You will do great! No worries.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Tami, how rewarding for you. Hun, you've been thru so much...you'll do fine..I agree with what the others have said, it will all just flow for you, I'm sure! Your such an inspiration and you've done it all yourself, you've sweat off every pound with good old fashioned hard work....look how much you've made your life better, look at all those years you've added...GO YOU!!!!! You'll do fine, my thoughts are with you!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I Figure after they see the "before" you and the "new" you, the applause will take up most of your time! Your results will speak for themselves! Truly from what I have read here on your posts, you are passionate about this lifestyle change and can only imagine that if you share your "low" - what got you engaged to begin; your thought processes and struggles as you began and persevered; and then your "aha" moment when the pounds started to fall off and it just began to click that you liked the results and were going to keep this up, that you will probably find that you need more time! I know for me I am totally interested in how others finally decided to make a change, what changes they made, how they learned along the way, and then the afterglow of finding out it was working and such stories are so motivating and inspiring. Congratulations on your "GROWTH" as a person while losing those unwanted pounds! I am sure your testimony will touch many hearts and make a lasting impression which will help others.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Tell them they are worth the effort, too!
  • rtg1
    rtg1 Posts: 20 Member
    How great for you! The best advice I’ve ever been given about public speaking is to tell a story- have a beginning, middle, and end. I know that sounds silly, but really if you think about those three parts it helps the speech flow. Having a place to come back to is pretty smart too. I’m sure you’ll be fantastic!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    You've done an awesome transformation.
    I think you should contain.

    Where you were, and what you tried previously and why it didn't work.
    Struggles you had when you were heavier. Those feelings of being overwhelmed with the weight you want to lose.
    How to start, when to start, motivation, lack of self confidence that comes with being overweight.
    Not knowing the proper methods to lose weight.

    After starting to lose weight. Feeling healthier, lighter, new clothes, being able to do something you weren't able to do previously.

    Turning old habits into new healthy habits.

    Just tell them your story. :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Your "coming back to" point could just be commitment. So many people try to lose weight but aren't committed to the LIFESTYLE change they have to make, so they end up quitting and gaining back more than they originally were trying to get off.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    It will naturally pour out of you is true! But with the nervousness having maybe 5 bullets on a card wouldn't be such a bad idea! Maybe you won't need it! You are fabulous and the talk will be too!
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    Thank you !
    I for sure need some bullets to touch on. Thank you all for your help! :)
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Just try to imagine what you would have wanted to hear 167lbs ago... what would have hit home for you? What would have made you take the leap of faith into healthy eating and exercising? What would you tell yourself that would have got you through the tough times, the platues, the "I don't want to go work out today"s? Be a real person that isn't preaching the diet gospel and they will be ready to hear you. :)

    Way to spread the love!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    After losing 167 pounds, I have to immagine that you are very passionate about all the work it took to do that.nyou have worked hard, and had many ups and downs. When you stand in front of those people, speak from your heart. The best tesimony of all is you. Standing there, a shadow of your formal self. Those people will be there because they are interested in your story. They are interested in you. You will do great! No worries.
    I agree, very well said!:flowerforyou:
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    I think you should spend some time explaining how you got started. What made you finally realize that this time it was going to work. Motivation is key.

    I know - for me anyway - just the idea of getting started is daunting. I'll bet people will be inspired by what ultimately compelled you to begin such a massive journey.

    And, oh, I'm incredibly inspired by your transformation. Go you!!!
  • bennettv
    bennettv Posts: 152 Member
    Have fun. Even if you get off track. Even if you forget where you are in your notes. Even if you get going on a different tangent entirely. Have fun. Nothing is worse that sitting through a speaker that's not enjoying themselves. You have A LOT to be happy about -- let it radiate. Show that beautiful smile.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    Have fun. Even if you get off track. Even if you forget where you are in your notes. Even if you get going on a different tangent entirely. Have fun. Nothing is worse that sitting through a speaker that's not enjoying themselves. You have A LOT to be happy about -- let it radiate. Show that beautiful smile.

    Thank you!!! Will post late tonight with details, and Pics of course! :)
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