Help... Need advice on adjustment of calories, Macros, exercise, etc

Hi, I'm 43 F, 5'2. Lost 36 lbs since last July. Wasn't really sure what my calories and macros should be set at so I just saw what my daily burn is (I wear a bodybug and have a fairly active job). My burn ranges from 2300-2800 a day so I ate around 1400-1600 a day. Despite the "figuring it out the hard way" in the beginning with what works and what doesn't. It's been working out out well for me, not hungry and losing weight when I was strict about it. I've become very disciplined, I don't cheat, i measure/weigh every bite I eat and I watch my salt which I'm very prone to bloating easily. Lately, things are slowing down so I think my body has gotten used to things. Recently, MFP has prompted me to adjust my calories lower due to my weight loss and changed up my macros. It prompted me to change my calories to only 1200 per day which I think is too low. So I lowered it to 1350. I also started eating all my carbs before 3pm, which my doctor suggested, but I haven't done that long even to notice a difference. I still don't understand the macros, the BMR, and everyone you ask, gives you all over the spectrum advice. According to my BMR, i should be eating like a thousand more calories which doesn't make sense. I want to lose another 40lbs. I just feel like I'm way too strict and disciplined to be just hovering around the same weight for the past few weeks. Wondering if I need to incorporate more exercise in there too since my body is getting smaller. Maybe I need to exercise and eat more? I'm just not sure and I just need advice from people who know. Am I eating too little? I feel like I eat pretty healthy. My log is public... Feel free to browse. Just keep in mind, I was sick last week, so my burn/calories are over the place so go before those dates to see the consistency. Please help... Thanks. Also, I see a lot of bashing others peoples advise, so I would appreciate just comments that are productive and helpful! Thanks.