Low GI diet/ UK foods only please (PCOS)

Emsie_lou Posts: 50 Member
edited January 26 in Food and Nutrition
Hi all, I am in the process of being tested for PCOS as I have the classic weight gain (5 stone) facial hair growing, skin tags etc. And my GP said that these symptoms will become less or stop if I lose the weight. Which I am trying to do! She said about eating low carb/ Low GI diet but I am unsure of what main foods I can eat.
Can I eat brown bread still, baked beans, rice, pasta, potatoes? These are the main ingredients in my diet plan but not sure if they will be be low gi.
I need foods that fill me up so I am not tempted by the junk food I have been living on for the last 4 years! Any help would be great, thanks.


  • gypsygallisa
    gypsygallisa Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am in the same process at the moment and I have found that a book called 'the low GI guide to managing PCOS' by Dr Jennie Brand-Miller really helped, as eating low-GI seems to be confusingly complex! I am not sure it is still in print but I got a second hand copy for a few pounds. I have been eating low-GI for about 2 weeks and do feel a bit better, although that could be due to cutting out sugary foods like cake! good luck with it all!
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