Back after trying Weight Watchers

What a train wreck that place is. I thought it was worth a try. I love MFP but was having so much trouble remembering to log things and wasn't being consistent or attentive. Believe me, this is by far the best program out there. And it's free!! I can say one thing good about Weight Watchers.. It got me kick-started on logging my food again and paying attention to exercise.


  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    I am a Weight Watchers member. The program itself is great. But I agree, the site is awful. The technology is outdated and buggy. There are people on the message boards who have been there since it started and they say that the boards have not been changed or updated since they first appeared.

    Currently I am still paying for an online WW membership. Like I said...the program works. But I heard great things about MFP so I signed up here. I will "double track" for a while and see how I do. If I feel MFP is working, then WW will lose another paying member.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I was successful with WW approx 4yrs ago. Then they changed the points system to propoints & I hated it & have never succeeded again!

    I hate their database - basically there are hardly any foods on there, unlike MFP. MFP rocks, it's free & easy to use.