i am struggling to lose weight

i had alot of success early with MFP. i lost about 18 pounds and i was 10 more lbs away from my goal. but i went like 4 months maintaining, my goal during that period wasnt maintain, butmy diet was like this, be in a 5oo calorie defict and then cheat day the next day, and then another 500 deficit and then another cheat day. i did not even notice that i did this, but anyways i did this for 4 months and i gained 10 pounds. then3 months ago i started to commit to my diet but i could not! its been 3 months and i have not gone more then 3-7 days without failing, idk whats different between now and then? why am i struggling? ive been struggling to lose weight for 3 months when before i had such a easy time. how do i identify the root problem? is there a way to make my diet stricter? or a plan?


  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    You already know the root problem: eating too much.

    OR ... As you called it "cheat day"

    Stop the Cheat Day. Stop the overeating.

    Success is SURE to follow, as sure as two follows one.

    A "plan" won't work unless you stick to it.

    Being "strict" does nothing if you "cheat".

    It's choice time. Time to choose, right?

    Do you want to lose weight, or do you want to continue to fiddle-fart around pretending you want to lose weight?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Perhaps you have your goal set too aggressively?
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    edited March 2015
    Stop "cheating," have a reasonable goal, eat reasonable food.

    Your average daily intake is like my breakfast and lunch intake combined. Eat more food. And start actually logging properly.
  • lyndsayfletch
    lyndsayfletch Posts: 26 Member
    Sounds like you need something to curb those cheat days....I have been eating better for the last couple of weeks (not long I know!!).....chocolate was my biggest downfall before so I have totally cut it out...I couldnt just stick to a couple squares so I decided to not even start!! Now next thing as I like a treat as does everyone!! I allow myself one treat per week....not a treat/cheat day but just 1 treat...I find myself looking forward to it and its easier to "be good" the rest of the time!! My latest treat was last night and was a bowl of ice cream with maple syrup!! I appreciated it sooooo much more than usual!! Hopefully it lasts!! maybe worth a try!!! Good luck :-)
  • andywang27
    andywang27 Posts: 10 Member
    thanks for the feedback, ill just stop cheating and become smarter with my diet and i will allow a treat at the end of the week that still fits my macro. Thanks everybody