Need stronger will power

Night time snacking is my weak point. Every night I say I won't do it but then I break down and binge on whatever I can find. Any suggestions on breaking this bad habit?


  • amandastock
    amandastock Posts: 53 Member
    Will power is a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it gets.
  • I get it, this was me. Check out the harcombe diet. It stopped my night time binges. If I want something sweet at night I now have some decaf tea and a protein bar x
  • melly0405
    melly0405 Posts: 215 Member
    For me I just had to walk away from the pantry and find other distractions such as taking a walk, or brushing my teeth I rarely want to snack after brushing my teeth lol. Seriously even reaching out to a friend whatever distraction you can find and if you have to snack have one small snack and tell yourself ENOUGH. You can break this habit