Going from 270lbs to 200lbs!

RonRoff Posts: 175 Member

My name's Ron, a dutch guy comming on to my 33th birthday already.
After leaving the army after 5 years in 2005 i've been overweight (keep eating, stopped sporting as hard).

I used to have a nasty gaming addiction (World of Warcraft), and stopped gaming since August 2014. Took me a while to get my life back on track.

Started a diet + sports schedule 1 month ago with a small interruption, where i eat about 1880 kcal per day netto, aswell as sporting Jiu Jitsu (Green belt) and StrongLift 5x5 multiple times every week.

When i started i was 270lbs and am giving it my very best to become 200lbs in 2015. I know this is a hard goal, but i'm amazingly motivated, i think i have a very good basis to work with.

Feel free to add me as a friend, i'm actively using the food + exercise log and try to be (more) active on the forums.

I'm actually a member of MFP since quite some years, but never did anything else than just using the logs so far, decided, since i dont use facebook and such anymore, that its nice to be part of a fitness/health community!

Besides sporting and health, im very interested in languages. I'm learning portuguese since 2013 and can communicate fairly well in this lanugage, i understand reasonable spanish (cant speak it), speak/understand german, english, dutch(duhh). Plans for the future are to learn more languages, including spanish and french.

Thanks for reading and drop me a message if you like to talk!


  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    Salutations !
    Your goal is very attainable but it'll be a lot of hard work. Just remember there will be times your weight fluctuates and that its important to not always to rely on a scale. My goal is the same over all as you. I'm trying to lose 100 lbs and go from 321 lbs down to 220 lbs in a year. Still a noobie after only 20 something a days but I must say it works and it gets what you eat in perspective. I also love learning languages but mine are more Asian that include Japanese, mandarin, Chinese and some Russian and German that I wish to learn xD If you wish to add me feel free to do because I know the journey is going to be tough but since you've been in the army I'm sure you have the will power mentally and physically to do it.
    Best of luck!
  • VileMortality
    VileMortality Posts: 12 Member
    Keep at it brother! I'm the same weight looking to get down to 250 for my first goal! I enjoy MFP it's been helping me stay motivated for sure.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Go get it!
  • bonnie705
    I way 236llbs want to lose 4stone as i am finding it hard 2 walk and do everything now. I have stopped smoking as well
  • wmpottsjr
    wmpottsjr Posts: 42 Member
    edited March 2015
    My goal is to lose 100 lbs in 6 months. I am very close to doing it. I weighed 342 on Sept 8, 2014 and now weigh 244.5. I did something similar back when I was 50 years old. Unfortunately I did it by eating high protein, low carb. That diet is not a lifetime diet and I don't recommend it. Good luck everyone just keep it up. Don't focus on where you are going. Focus on where you have been. Take pride in what you have accomplished everyday!!!!
  • Domineer
    Domineer Posts: 239 Member
    RonRoff wrote: »

    My name's Ron, a dutch guy comming on to my 33th birthday already.
    After leaving the army after 5 years in 2005 i've been overweight (keep eating, stopped sporting as hard).

    I used to have a nasty gaming addiction (World of Warcraft), and stopped gaming since August 2014. Took me a while to get my life back on track.

    Started a diet + sports schedule 1 month ago with a small interruption, where i eat about 1880 kcal per day netto, aswell as sporting Jiu Jitsu (Green belt) and StrongLift 5x5 multiple times every week.

    When i started i was 270lbs and am giving it my very best to become 200lbs in 2015. I know this is a hard goal, but i'm amazingly motivated, i think i have a very good basis to work with.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, i'm actively using the food + exercise log and try to be (more) active on the forums.

    I'm actually a member of MFP since quite some years, but never did anything else than just using the logs so far, decided, since i dont use facebook and such anymore, that its nice to be part of a fitness/health community!

    Besides sporting and health, im very interested in languages. I'm learning portuguese since 2013 and can communicate fairly well in this lanugage, i understand reasonable spanish (cant speak it), speak/understand german, english, dutch(duhh). Plans for the future are to learn more languages, including spanish and french.

    Thanks for reading and drop me a message if you like to talk!

    This is basically my exact goal. I started MFP at 277 lbs. I got down to my lowest of 231 and fluctuated. I'm back on track at 239. 200lbs is ours to claim. !!!!!
  • Domineer
    Domineer Posts: 239 Member
    wmpottsjr wrote: »
    My goal is to lose 100 lbs in 6 months. I am very close to doing it. I weighed 342 on Sept 8, 2014 and now weigh 244.5. I did something similar back when I was 50 years old. Unfortunately I did it by eating high protein, low carb. That diet is not a lifetime diet and I don't recommend it. Good luck everyone just keep it up. Don't focus on where you are going. Focus on where you have been. Take pride in what you have accomplished everyday!!!!

    Congrats. Thats an incredible loss. Hats off to you. Good to hear guys in my weight range going through the same fight. We will prevail.