off track

Since becoming sick with my winter cold I have become lacks a diasical with my weight loss. Have gain 2 lbs back so even though its not much still going in the wrong direction will start again wish me luck


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Good luck!! you can do this!! Tip number 1, don't stop logging. Be in the habit of logging everyday.
  • angelwings_liz
    angelwings_liz Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks I needed that when I mess up I feel like Ifailed and did want aanyone to know but logging it either keep me on track and I hopefully won't fail again
  • nickisz
    nickisz Posts: 5 Member
    We all hit bumps in the road but its important not to feel it is failure. You pick yourself up by getting back on track as soon as possible. The best way to do that is to keep logging, so you can see where you run into trouble. Take things one day at a time. Don't let one bad meal (or day) ruin your week, persevere . Only when you give up will you fail. Good luck
  • angelwings_liz
    angelwings_liz Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement