Food Binge Confession



  • deannaaaaaaaaa
    deannaaaaaaaaa Posts: 238 Member
    i have an addictive personality too, ad it affects all aspects of my life. I've vowed to have it stop affecting my eating tho :) Gone two weeks without a binge and am very proud of myself
  • kellyrorie
    kellyrorie Posts: 47 Member
    For sure. I basically could have written the same entry. Yesterday I did this and ended up somewhere around 3100 calories for the day. It's hard to see today as new, I woke up pretty discouraged and fear my weekly weigh in tomorrow. But what everyone is saying is true for every addiction. Relapses happen. But they don't have to be the end. Just pick it back up and move forward! What you've done is amazing. Keep going!
  • MissMelissa514
    MissMelissa514 Posts: 63 Member
    I think that's something we all struggle with and we all give in to the temptation at times. I know I have anyway. Sweets are a huge trigger for me and I love bread and cheese. Don't beat yourself up about it. You're bad days don't define you and it's nothing to be ashamed of.
  • khristiana
    khristiana Posts: 131 Member
    I'm an emotional eater. Since mid-January I haven't given to over eating or snacks that are unhealthy, but I've had a hard couple of days, so I'm actually considering skipping the gym tonight and even having some alcoholic drinks.


    To err is human, though.... So even if I DO end up not going to the gym and drinking my calories, tomorrow is a brand new day.
  • landfish
    landfish Posts: 255 Member
    Own it and log that s**t. Be true to the process good or bad.
  • tanyaleemcleod
    You read my mind. I recently had similar experience....I had major binge , then decided that was it. Its been 12 days and when I feel the urge to.reach I remind myself did I workout. So I can binge again...and the answer is always no. I am a binge eater by nature. I know where you are coming from
  • kingw363
    kingw363 Posts: 18 Member
    Impulse eating? If I want it that bad I eat it. Why? Because at the end of the day I strive for being happy not a bodybuilder. As per the donuts comment, I would just do workouts to balance out a bit whenever i get a chance that day.
  • MimiOfTheFraserValley
    MimiOfTheFraserValley Posts: 108 Member
    Like you said, McCloud, it was one evening. Still, I can totally relate to this & have been there a few times.The thing is to get back up & get back on track, which it sound like you've done. Thanks for sharing.
  • shreddedtrooper
    shreddedtrooper Posts: 107 Member
    Refeeds for the win!

    That moment when you refeed off 500+ and wake up lighter the next morning.

    Binges happen. Log it all, come off the next day a bit in that area you hit hard, (likely fats and carbs) because who seriously binges off protein? I'm sure some do but still just adjust accordingly.

    Macro Reset anyone? Them Feelz.

    Focus on the end goal, you mentioned abs so focus on that! best of luck

    T minus about 2 weeks before my fun refeeds and reverse diet comes into play. Ahh, perhaps there is some advice in here. Consider after reaching your goal weight how a reverse diet would work, then when you're at 300-400 carbs daily, there is no way to binge at all.
  • jessicamthal
    jessicamthal Posts: 14 Member
    I completely understand. Sometimes I'm surprised how my willpower goes straight out the window. I'll stuff my face until the food is gone. Which is why I literally cannot put myself in those situations. I don't keep junk food at home, and sometimes avoid eating out with friends knowing they'll have community fries on the table or something. It's tough!!
  • anniebelle26
    anniebelle26 Posts: 43 Member
    Ive had the same binges. I feel your anguish. Something that seems to work for me now is something that just popped into my head on day. I was at a coffee shop looking at the donuts,and I said to myself...I can have donuts right now if I want to, I just chose not to right now. It seemed to take all the stress out of the moment. I say it at least once a day now...
  • MrCoolGrim
    MrCoolGrim Posts: 351 Member
    This was me the other night. I ate a box cookies and boy did i feel guilty. I am not perfect but i know i had to fix it. So the next day i fasted till noon had a decent lunch and went to the gym and doubled up my work out burning more calories then usual. At the end of the week I still manged to lose some weight. Nobodies perfect and if we were what fun would that be.

  • taraphannaford
    taraphannaford Posts: 49 Member
    I am right there with you. I have a very addictive personality and I've binged on food quite often. Mostly at night. One time is not going to hurt you. You haven't ruined things. Just enjoy your impromptu splurge and do better tomorrow.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I don't understand why people have that kind of fattening food in the house. If it wasn't there you wouldn't have eaten it. So maybe keep all the breads and trigger foods out of the pantry.
  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    I don't understand why people have that kind of fattening food in the house. If it wasn't there you wouldn't have eaten it. So maybe keep all the breads and trigger foods out of the pantry.

    Again @elisa123gal , I already responded to one person about the food that I ate. You do know that all food is fattening if you eat enough of it, right? Just because there are calorie dense foods doesn't mean they're "bad". It just means that you have to learn restraint, and that was what I was missing the other night.

    As far as "sweets" in the house we have very few as a family. We have one bag of Hershey's fun size candy bars in the house that's been there for about 6 weeks. My wife likes to have a couple pieces of chocolate a couple times a week. And the reeces pieces were much the same. I think she bought them when she was on a road trip a few weeks ago and they had been sitting around since then. I had gone 2 MONTHS without a "planned" binge, which is why this caught me off guard.

    My kids eat sandwiches for lunch and like bagels and english muffins sometimes for breakfast. Peanut Butter? Cheese? Olives? Someone explain to me why any of these are "bad". I wasn't gorging on multiple bowls of cookie dough ice cream, a whole bag of oreo cookies or potato chips; this wasn't ordering a large pizza and eating the whole thing at one sitting. (all of which I've done at times in the past)

    I'm not even sure that if there's a "trigger" for you that you shouldn't keep it in the house. I LOVE ice cream. I eat it nearly every day. I force myself to keep it within my allotted calories though and on some level I believe that it's HELPING me to gain control over it. If I just continually run away from food, then I'll never have a healthy relationship with it even after I get down to my goal weight.

    sorry, end rant.