Almost Meatless

Up to about three years ago I would have some sort of meat for dinner every night. It would a fluke if I ate a vegetarian meal. My daughter went vegetarian just before going off to college and when she would be back for breaks (money or so it seemed) she would cook up her meals and I look at them and say that would be great if it had some meat in it. Then I started to have some of her food as a side dish to my meat. After she graduated and moved back home I started having veggie dinners twice a week and now I have veggie meals four or five times a week. I even had a few weeks where I had all vegetarian dinners.

We have gotten to the point that we compete who can make the tastiest meals.

I rarely have meat for breakfast but I do have low sodium turkey, ham sandwiches or leftovers for lunch.

I will never go completely meatless and the meat I do eat is of a higher quality which allows me to have smaller portions and satisfy my meat lust.

I hope that those who eat like I do can encourage, inspire, enhance and promote an almost meatless culture.