How little is too little? Calories

I'm netting 1200 with success. I always eat back my calories from exercise and by no means starve myself. On weekends I tend to go a little over and not over think it. It's worked.

Now I want to push my toning into high gear. Up until now it's mostly been weight loss.

My netting 1200 too little to tone?

I still want to lose fat mind you. I am not in a place to maintain yet.

I'm doing 30 day squat challenge, Jillian Michaels 30DS and I walk usually anywhere from 3-6+ miles a day during the week.

Like I said I eat back the calories, but I don't want to lose muscle.
What's your opinion?

Also should I up my protein? Maybe replace some of my carbs (carb addict!) with proteins. I don't do shakes, not my style. Lean meats and nuts are fine by me.

Thanks in advance. I'm open to all suggestions. I obviously don't have it all figured it out yet. I'm so scared of reaching a standstill.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I had a quick look in your diary and you definitely need more protein.... Aim for 100g a day
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    Thanks! I am now trying to plan out adding more protein...which is no problem since I like my protein! :)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You have only 6 pounds left to lose. Set your goal to lose half a pound a week if it is not already (and don't use sedentary).

    Trying to lose faster than that is not reasonable or healthy, and I suspect that 1200 is a goal of more than half a pound a week.
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    You have only 6 pounds left to lose. Set your goal to lose half a pound a week if it is not already (and don't use sedentary).

    Trying to lose faster than that is not reasonable or healthy, and I suspect that 1200 is a goal of more than half a pound a week.

    Yeah, I changed it. Originally I put it to 1200 because I tend to "cheat" on the weekend and eat over my calories so I thought maybe eating 1200 during the weekday would even things out and still create a deficit. Is that a bad way to go about it? I almost always go over on the weekend.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    How much over? What is your average for the week?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Do you get 100% of your vitamins and minerals? Do you get at least 20-30% of your diet in fat? Do you get at least 0.8 - 1 gram of protein per Lb of lean body mass? If your answer is no to any of those then you aren't getting proper nutrition, which would mean that you need to either make changes to what you're eating and/or up your calorie goal to ensure you're getting proper nutrition.
  • taramaclaren
    taramaclaren Posts: 95 Member
    Every body is different, and it is impossible for one person to accurately be able to give you insight into what diet plan or how many calories you should be eating. Pay attention to how you feel, and if you are lacking energy or feel really run down then adjust your calories accordingly! It looks like you have had great success with this plan so far, so if I were you I'd continue eating the way that you are, and adjust your macros to have more protein. Sounds like you are already on the road to success!!

    BTW - I totally understand eating less during the week so you can indulge more on the weekends. Find something that is sustainable and go with it! :) I like my wine and in order to have it, I sometimes have to eat more veggies and abstain from the bread during the week. Based on your track record this really looks like it is working for you so why try to re-invent the wheel! :) Just up your protein and start lifting some weights. Check out for some awesome female training guides.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    With only 6 lbs to go try setting your weekly weight loss goal to 0.5lbs/week. The less you have to lose the smaller your deficit should be (this will reduce the amount of muscle you lose as you lose the last of the fat)
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Every body is different, and it is impossible for one person to accurately be able to give you insight into what diet plan or how many calories you should be eating.

    Not really. People get paid to do this sort of thing for a living. I'm not one of them, but all I need to know are her physical stats, her goals, and her dieting and training history, and I could put together a meal plan and a training plan for her.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Too little is an amount which your body is not getting the sufficient nutrients it needs daily.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    WTF is that?
  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    Just my experience, but when I switched to weightlifting 5 weeks ago, my appetite went into overdrive. You may find that you are freaking starved. Or it may be me. My advice...lifting is wonderful and you can see some real body changes, although you may need to stay off the scale a bit to let your body adjust. But I would be surprised if you didn't find yourself much more hungry. Eat if you are hungry. Eat well, continue to exercise, and you will be fine.
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    BTW - I totally understand eating less during the week so you can indulge more on the weekends. Find something that is sustainable and go with it! :) I like my wine and in order to have it, I sometimes have to eat more veggies and abstain from the bread during the week. Based on your track record this really looks like it is working for you so why try to re-invent the wheel! :) Just up your protein and start lifting some weights. Check out for some awesome female training guides.

    Yeah, I guess when I know I'll have one of those weekends I will just plan ahead and not go too low all week and then end up having a weekend where I don't treat myself.

    Plus at work it's so easy to eat healthy! I end up having extra calories and looking for ways to catch up. The weekends I like to sometimes go out!
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    With only 6 lbs to go try setting your weekly weight loss goal to 0.5lbs/week. The less you have to lose the smaller your deficit should be (this will reduce the amount of muscle you lose as you lose the last of the fat)

    very true, thanks!

    Just my experience, but when I switched to weightlifting 5 weeks ago, my appetite went into overdrive. You may find that you are freaking starved. Or it may be me. My advice...lifting is wonderful and you can see some real body changes, although you may need to stay off the scale a bit to let your body adjust. But I would be surprised if you didn't find yourself much more hungry. Eat if you are hungry. Eat well, continue to exercise, and you will be fine.

    You are right! I was hungrier yesterday and actually told myself it must be the added weight training. I do tend to get really hungry.
  • taramaclaren
    taramaclaren Posts: 95 Member
    Every body is different, and it is impossible for one person to accurately be able to give you insight into what diet plan or how many calories you should be eating.

    Not really. People get paid to do this sort of thing for a living. I'm not one of them, but all I need to know are her physical stats, her goals, and her dieting and training history, and I could put together a meal plan and a training plan for her.

    Yes, it goes without saying that there are professionals out there who can help people reach their goals. But she is asking a forum, not a dietitian or nutrition professional. My point was to take advice from forums with a grain of salt. What works for one person does not work for everyone else.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member

    WTF is that?

    Get with the program dude...


  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    There is some very good information in this group. I highly recommend you at least read their "stickies" even if you don't join them.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member

    WTF is that?

    In physiology, medicine, and anatomy, muscle tone (residual muscle tension or tonus) is the continuous and passive partial contraction of the muscles, or the muscle’s resistance to passive stretch during resting state...
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    There is some very good information in this group. I highly recommend you at least read their "stickies" even if you don't join them.

    I joined and posted. I appreciate it thanks!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    There is some very good information in this group. I highly recommend you at least read their "stickies" even if you don't join them.

    I joined and posted. I appreciate it thanks!

    You're very welcome :flowerforyou: