New from Ohio

My name is Clarissa Wilson and I just joined the other day but forgot to introduce myself. Sorry about that! I am 34 years old, a little overweight, but trying to lose weight now. I have been married for 17 years now. I have no children but I do have one stepson. I can't have kids because I have PCOS. PCOS is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

Anyway, I really like it here so far! Hi to everyone and I hope to be a member for a long time!


  • weeksrr
    weeksrr Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Clarissa! Fellow Ohioan here! I hope to lose about 40 lbs. ;-) you are welcome to add me!
  • trishac333
    trishac333 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi to both of you. Fellow Ohioan here as well, suburb outside of Columbus. I will be 40 in April and as of late last year I decided to kick 40s *kitten*! I just discovered this app a couple of weeks ago and I love it! I'm hoping to meet some local new friends with similar fitness and nutrition interests as its time for the next phase of my life. Unfortunately, I have found myself in a place where my current friends and I are moving in different directions.