Premature Ovarian Failure & Building Lean Mass (also, critique my fitness plan!)

gwayby Posts: 42 Member
Basically I'm hoping someone on here has some knowledge of endocrine disorders, particularly premature ovarian failure. I know hormones have something to do with building muscle, and I'm curious if my lack of functioning ovaries will affect my fitness goals.


I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure at the age of 14 by an endocrinologist. I hadn't started my period/breast development/any of that fun puberty stuff, so my mom took me to Children's and they ran tests for several months. There were no hormones in any of the blood tests they did, and eventually they did an ultrasound on my ovaries and found that they were "shriveled like raisins" (I'm still not a fan of raisins to this day, haha). Doc told me I was infertile and at risk for early-onset osteoporosis; I was started on estrogen and progesterone pills, and after building my levels up we switched over to standard birth control for hormone replacement purposes. I've been doing that since about age 16 (now 28).

Here's where I'm at now:

I've been working on getting into better shape after letting myself gain about 10 lbs over the past year. I'm down to 133 from 143, so I'm ready to start recomp/building lean mass. I just started the workout plan from New Rules of Lifting for Women last week. Current dietary plan is eating at maintenance (1700 cals) and upping my protein intake to around 30% (128g); 2 days of lifting/week per the plan, with light interval training and stretching on off-days (I usually do 20 mins on an elliptical during lunch just to get blood flowing after all morning at a desk). I also do barre class twice a week, and climb at a bouldering gym about 2 nights a week (though I may need to cut back depending on how they interfere with rest days).

With all this in mind, can anyone tell me if I'm going to run into issues building lean mass due to my medical condition? Obviously testosterone is a key player in muscle growth, not sure what estrogen does for it. I'm also not sure if any other hormones are created in the ovaries that would affect anything. I'm aware that I should probably go back and see an endocrinologist about this (every gyno I've seen has been less than useless on the subject), but I was hoping to get at least some direction before I spend the money on an appointment.

I'm also open to critiques on my fitness plan as well! Here are my current-ish stats (these are from a check at my work's gym about a month ago):

Heights - 5' 7"
Weight - 135.25
Body Fat % - 18.80% (taken by a certified trainer at my work gym with calipers)
Fat Mass - 25.427
Lean Mass - 109.823
BMI - 21.7

Waist - 28"
Hips - 37"
Shoulders - 39.625"
Chest - 35.5"
Abdominal - 31.5

TL;DR - My ovaries is broke :( Will this affect building lean mass? Also, tell me if my fitness plan sucks.

Thanks for reading :)


  • nelcyoviedo
    nelcyoviedo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I just found your post. I was diagnosed with ovarian failure. I knew something was wrong when I gained 15 lbs in less than a year without change in diet or activity. Thid all happened when I turned 39. Now I cannot lose one lbs as much as I try. How are you doing? What has worked for you?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hi, I just found your post. I was diagnosed with ovarian failure. I knew something was wrong when I gained 15 lbs in less than a year without change in diet or activity. Thid all happened when I turned 39. Now I cannot lose one lbs as much as I try. How are you doing? What has worked for you?

    you wont get a response from the OP, she hasn't been on the forums since July 18.