30 in 90 Challenge

30 minutes of exercise daily for 90 days.

30 minutes of exercise, any exercise. Does not have to be consecutive, can be made up of ten minutes of walking in the morning, later in the day twenty minutes of biking, you get the idea. As long as you put in 30 minutes you've achieved the goal for the day.

30 minutes of exercise daily for 90 days.

I have often joined challenges here, 100 squats in a day, various ones, but I never really follow through. I thought of this challenge for myself, but figured that it is so attainable why not share it. That's what's lacking in so many beginner's lives is just doing an activity everyday.

So I'll begin with me, today I hiked for 48 minutes.

I'll come back every night and list my activity and time. I'm not limiting myself to 30 minutes, but that is the minimum to join the challenge.