New to MyFitnessPal :)

Hey there, folks! My name's Dimitris, 29yo and about 5.5 weeks ago I was 110.5kg. Now I'm 102 :smile:
I know it's still too much. Until the end of August, my goal is to reach 85kg and 8.5% bf (sure lower than 90kg, and also sure below 12%). I also know that it's gonna be hard... but if it was easy, there would be no need to work hard ;)

I used to workout on the past, but for 10 months, army wouldn't allow me (I was not in the Special Forces, and besides that, the army in Greece is a crock of *kitten* :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ). I gained almost 20kg :open_mouth:

I have to admit that int he beginning it was quite hard to log all the food I've eaten through the day, but now it's a habit! :smiley:

I'm here to make new friends, share ideas and thoughts and perhaps motivate others and get motivated as well!!! :blush:

Cheers!!! :D