When did you lose dress sizes?



  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    I started at a size 20, and am now down 34lbs. My clothes started getting noticeably baggier around 15lbs, but it wasn't until around 25lbs that I was a full size smaller.
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    Cant edit- meant excited not to have everything falling off or sagging- NOT everyone lol!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Nice work OP :) feels good
  • eseeton
    eseeton Posts: 80 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am 5' 7". When I started losing weight I weighed about 171lbs and wore a size 12 dress and similar size in jeans. I lost the first 15lbs pretty fast, and I dropped to a size 8 or 10 dress. My jeans still fit at this point, just a little baggy. After losing 10 more lbs, I fit into a size 8 jeans. Now that I've lost another few lbs (down to 142) but they are now starting to get kind of baggy throughout the day (but the size 6 are a little snug). But I purchased a size 4 dress the other day!!! I still seem to have most of my fat in my butt and thighs still, hence the jeans not dropping as fast as the dresses. But it is happening slowly!

    Back to your OP, I think that the sizes come off slow at first, but as you lose more and get into the smaller sizes, the difference between the sizes is such a small amount you lose sizes faster than before.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I asked a similar question not too long ago (pant size though) and the general consensus was that 10-15# was what it took to go down 1 pant size - though there were definitely outliers.

    Larger sizes tend to work for a bigger range of weight, so if you started at a US 16 or above, it will likely take longer to see any changes in clothing size.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    szkodzt wrote: »
    Pear shaped here as well and losing way more on top currently than on the bottom. I am down 16 lbs and while all my current pants are definitely very loose (some almost falling off!) I just can't yet fit into the next size. It is very frustrating because I don't want to buy new clothes because I have some in almost EVERY size! However, I suspect that part of my problem is that I have been at my current size for several years now - the clothes I am trying to fit back into were pre-kids and my body shape is just not the same. I think I need to suck it up and buy new clothes :D

    This. My body is so different after 4 kids that I don't think I will every fit into the exact same clothes again...even if I hit the same weight.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    edited March 2015
    uuuggh i've lost 34 pounds and have not gone down a dress size. I am 5'9 which is fairly tall though. The dresses that i usually wear are a little loose but that's about it. However...in jeans(american eagle) i went from an 18 to a 14. All of this took about 3 months.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    jazmin220 wrote: »
    uuuggh i've lost 34 pounds and have not gone down a dress size. I am 5'9 which is fairly tall though. The dresses that i usually wear are a little loose but that's about it. However...in jeans(american eagle) i went from an 18 to a 14. All of this took about 3 months.

    Surprising you didn't lose a dress size but two jean sizes. Did you lose a lot of inches in your hips or something?
  • GetThatRunnersHigh
    GetThatRunnersHigh Posts: 112 Member
    Have you guys heard of the paper towel effect? Essentially, weight loss is analogous to a roll of paper towels. Taking off one sheet in the beginning doesn't look much different, but it gets more and more obvious as you get down to the cardboard core. I imagine it's the same with dress sizes, where it'll take 15-20 pounds to go from a (US) 14 to 12, but only 5-8 pounds to go from 4 to 2. It took me 15 pounds to go from a 12 to 10 and 6 pounds to go from a 4 to 2. I'm 5'1.5" for reference.

    Can I also squeeze in a quick rant in here about women's sizing? Why are they so inconsistent even between the same brand (looking at you, Old Navy)? And why do we NEVER get real pockets? And what is up with long, regular, and short labels? Can I just get actually measurements in inches for once so I don't go back and forth between looking like I'm wearing floods and playing dress-up in mom's clothes. Ugh.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    Nicely done OP!

    I lost 40lbs before I really needed new pants, though I suspect I was wearing them a bit tight to begin with. I'm down 60 now and have gone from a 16/18 to a 12 in pants. My bra size has changed but as my bust is still big, tops aren't a great indication. I went from a 40H to a 34G. So I still need mostly size L tops.
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    Nicely done OP!

    I lost 40lbs before I really needed new pants, though I suspect I was wearing them a bit tight to begin with. I'm down 60 now and have gone from a 16/18 to a 12 in pants. My bra size has changed but as my bust is still big, tops aren't a great indication. I went from a 40H to a 34G. So I still need mostly size L tops.

    Wow! Congrats on the 60pounds and the size 12! Thats great!
    And thank you! Ive got the opposite problem with my chest though, slowly but surely getting smaller and smaller. And i dont have alot there to lose! Probably gonna be a b cup, from a d
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    Thanks! I'll know more about proper dress size if the weather ever warms up. Are you in CT? I'm in New England too. This has been a miserable winter!
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Sizes have been about 10-20 lbs for me. US size 16 (tight) to US size 8 has been 66 lbs, although I am now finding some size 6s fit. I'm probably another 5 lbs from all size 6 clothing fitting.
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    Yes i am and it has been! Just dragging out with more and more snow! And the stores all had summer stuff out so i was tempted to but tank tops and dresses but ill wait until i lose more.
    Is it weird that I really want to but some cuter winter clothes because theyll fit now? But i won't because it wont fit next year. Gonna have to keep my baggy old winter coat a few more weeks i guess..
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Sizes have been about 10-20 lbs for me. US size 16 (tight) to US size 8 has been 66 lbs, although I am now finding some size 6s fit. I'm probably another 5 lbs from all size 6 clothing fitting.

    You look like at least a 6 and more like a 4 in your profile pic. Are you tall?
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Sizes have been about 10-20 lbs for me. US size 16 (tight) to US size 8 has been 66 lbs, although I am now finding some size 6s fit. I'm probably another 5 lbs from all size 6 clothing fitting.

    You look like at least a 6 and more like a 4 in your profile pic. Are you tall?

    I'm 5'11, so yeah. In my profile picture I am wearing an H&M size 8 and it's actually a little tight, I think due to the material.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    jazmin220 wrote: »
    uuuggh i've lost 34 pounds and have not gone down a dress size. I am 5'9 which is fairly tall though. The dresses that i usually wear are a little loose but that's about it. However...in jeans(american eagle) i went from an 18 to a 14. All of this took about 3 months.

    Surprising you didn't lose a dress size but two jean sizes. Did you lose a lot of inches in your hips or something?

    I lost 4 inches in my hips. Most of my dresses are from target and I buy a XL. I am not yet a size L : /
  • Lanie2012
    Lanie2012 Posts: 46 Member
    I love this post! I dropped 20 lbs last year and didn't go down a size at all. I think because I was squeezing into and refusing to buy a bigger size, lol
  • Whittedo
    Whittedo Posts: 352 Member
    I must have wandered into the wrong thread. I don't wear dresses.
  • shamcd
    shamcd Posts: 178 Member
    I am SO glad to see this question and all of the responses! I don't weigh myself, I have a horrible mental stigma with the scale so for my sanity, I don't get on them anymore and don't know exactly how much weight I've lost. I measure myself and also judge by the fit of my clothes, and it's exasperating to see the weight coming off, yet still staying in the same size pants. But at least they're being held up with a belt :)