Can taking too my vitamins stop period??

I'm 5'4" and 110 pounds at 18 & I take three active health multivitamins , 2 extra 200 mg of zinc, and a probiotic daily. Is this too much? I'm an intense dancer and have very Irregular periods due to my intense amount of physical activity. I normally only get them around twice every six months. After stopping taking my multivitamin for a couple days as well as resting my period started. Can taking too many vitamins stop or lighten your period?


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    Not that I have ever heard of.

    Periods may stop due to very low body fat % along with a number of other medical matters.

    Pregnancy test perhaps? Failing that you may wish to see your doctor.
  • bigdancer2000

    Pregnancy test perhaps? Failing that you may wish to see your doctor.

    There is no possible way I could be pregnant

  • asm2014
    asm2014 Posts: 28 Member
    i doubt it's the vitamins.. it could be your low body fat percentage as stated above.. You may have a hormonal is best you get some blood work done.