I'm struggling. Tell it like it is.



  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Put one foot in front of the other. Decide to make a change. Realize you are the only one who can make the change. Stop making excuses. Just do it.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    HBMairi wrote: »
    It's like I'm self abusing through food. How do I get off this vicious circle?

    This is a real thing for a lot of people.

    If you were just saying that to be dramatic, just go with some of the advice given above.

    If you weren't using that language arbitrarily but really feel that way, I would start working on your other issues - the ones that make you want to behave that way. Discipline is all very well, but you need a plan to tackle whatever it is food helps you tackle in other ways if you are to maintain a healthy weight. Mindfulness, self-honesty, help from a trusted friend or professional may be? I was only able to start losing when I learned to live with mydragons and conquer them another way.

    I second this! If your really self abusing (in your case using food) please seek professional help. Very rarely can self harming (regardless of using food, drugs or cutting) be successfully treated and stopped without professional help.

    If you used it just as an expression and you are using it as a execuse or to be dramatic. Only you can motivate yourself to do this.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I can identify with this too. Shed 9lbs since starting - then had 3 days (even though I wrote down everything and didn't really binge at all) where I just ate a small piece of chocolate, a couple of glasses of wine - put on a pound! I am a lady of a certain age (59) - I do exercise mainly walking, a lot at least 2.5 miles a day and I have just started to use my spin bike again. Got to take the bike a bit easy as I have bad lower back pain. I suppose it's just oh well don't let this slip derail me completely, it's just so frustrating to have to watch every single thing that goes into your mouth! I am currently 172 pounds - need to be around 155 ish - anyone got any tips on how to do this at a certain age? Onwards and downwards everyone xxxx

    I'm of a certain age, a little bit younger than you. You've got to set your attitude that you'll do what it takes to get the job done. That means being honest and consistent with your logging. Measuring and weighing your intake, and being persistent. Weight will come off more slowly at our age. I'm in a stall right now myself, but I'm not too bothered. Your weight will fluctuate. That's normal. My stall is normal. One of the reasons I'm not too bothered about it is because I KNOW I'm tracking everything and eating at a deficit.

    This site works for you if you let it. Log your wine and chocolate days and move on. Be honest with yourself about the calories you're consuming so you can notice trends. It's the only way you'll progress.

    Me, too (certain age.)

    By this stage in life, we can look back on many times when we just had to put our head down, suck it up, and endure the things that life threw our way. We have developed the capability to just do what is needed and get on with it. We know there's no point in whining about what we'd rather do or that it isn't fair. We know the difference between need and wants. Many of us have the experience of expaining this to children, which we most assuredly are not.

    We ate in a way that caused us to gain weight. We can't eat like that anymore. It's just a fact. And the more time we waste eating poorly, the longer it will take to get to our goal.

    I don't worry or watch everything I put in my mouth. I look at it once, when I pre-log my diary. I already know what calorie goal is right for losing weight. I just trust that number and eat what I planned...day after day. Treats like desserts are only a once-in-a-while thing...that way they stay special. As mamapeach said " be persistent."