BMI verses RMR

i have been doing my fitness pal for over a week now and when I started it gave me a calorie intake of 1370 which I have stayed on and gone to gym at least every other day. And I have gained a pound instead of losing weight now I am reading that my RMR is 1930. That is 540 extra calories I am so confused. Which one do I follow?


  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    There is no reason to make yourself eat at your estimated RMR level.

    Give it time and expect the scale to be bumpy ride and a poor indicator at first.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    What I do and what I recommend to people is to eat at a calorie level that allows you to make good progress towards your goal. If you are trying to lose weight, eat so you drop 1-2 lbs/week. This assumes an average calorie burn from you getting in all of your workouts. This will be different for everyone, so you'll have to do some trial and error to figure it out. I'd start ~1400 cal/day. Hit this goal, along with your macros and getting in your workouts, for 2 weeks. If you lose 1-2 lbs, you're good to go. If you lose too much, increase your intake and repeat. If you don't lose enough, reduce your intake a bit and repeat. After a few weeks, you'll figure out what works for you in your situation.

    You might also increase the amount of exercise you do. What are you doing when you go to the gym? Are you lifting heavy weights, doing mild cardio, or intervals? That can make a big difference. The people I see making the best progress are hitting it hard 5-6 days/week.