weight loss help

Need some help.


  • I have stalled out on my weight loss. Can anyone give me any suggestions
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    how long have u been stuck at the same weight?
  • joeykay818
    joeykay818 Posts: 15 Member
    I have been there done that! (Was just there.) I had to recommit first. I made a new weight loss goal and gave myself a specific time period. I decided to do lent, as a challenge, and gave up sweets and spirits. Sometimes this is good stragedy for a month just to clear out addictions and appreciate those guilty pleasures more when they come back into your diet. Also, look at your workout. Maybe you need more time, maybe a harder program, mix it up. I started anew 2/18/15. New goals, new workout and joined this site. I have dropped 4lbs as of today and I was stuck for 2 months. I cut calories down a bit, am eating cleaner and have started a killer workout that is a huge challenge. Do not be discouraged! You can move past this, be smart and make a plan that makes sense for you and stick to it.
  • Wish you the best
  • I'm a stress eater. I've been on a 1000 cal a day for 6 months.no sweet at all I've lost 40 pounds. But now I'm at a standstill. I think I should drop my calories so more
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    dropping calories more would NOT be recommended. ur already below what is healthy. i would up my calories to 1300 and maybe start walking. are u doing any form of exercise? do u really plan to eat this way forever? also how long is your stall? sometimes u can plateau for up to a month. its normal. but 1000 cals is in no way healthy. or a long term solution
  • bricef4
    bricef4 Posts: 31 Member
    I agree with Jenn, cutting back on calories to much can cause your metabolism to slow down. Up your calories and keep exercising. I find some kind of Hitt training has helped me in the past.
  • FitnessTrainer69
    FitnessTrainer69 Posts: 283 Member
    How active are you? If you have some kind of workout on 1K calories I would slowly up your calories. If you keep dropping them you will slowly start shutting down.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Can you open your diary?