Best Workouts for Larger People?



  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    I started out at 318 and am currently 254. I was always a pretty active large person. I played softball and often went to the gym but never stuck to it like I have over the last 7-8 months. Anywho, I just started with cardio and strength exercises. More cardio at first then strength. Now I try to incorporate them evenly, with 1 day more so focused on strength. I work out 3 days a week and stick with my calories on here. I now do Zumba 1day a week to keep things fun and interesting. Now that I am lighter I am able to run on the treadmill. My main focus that heavy in terms of cardio was intervals. I would walk at like 2.8 or 3mph and do hill intervals on the treadmill. I still do that now but higher intervals and running intervals. Hope that helped a little.
  • abelcat1
    abelcat1 Posts: 186 Member
    One year ago I started at 304 lbs. I bought an Electric bike and rode it everyday. Pretty soon I could ride 25 km a day and didn´t need the e-help. When the weather got Cold and wet I began working out at home in the livingroom. you-tube is filled up with low-impact workout. Pick your poison ;-) Now a year later I´ve lost 88 lbs, I bike, walk, step-aerobic and dance... anything to get some steps on the vivosmart... ;-) Good luck.. you can do it. PS I have even started the c25k-program,- I didn´t even dream of that one year ago.