Hopeful newbie! :)


I am new here and I am a month into the dukan diet. I have made a few changes to it but sticking to the basics and so far it's been great! I'm focusing on a lifestyle change more than just weight loss though I am wanting to lose 80 pounds - A long road ahead so I would love to meet people wanting the same encouragement i do. :)


  • julie061981
    julie061981 Posts: 1 Member
    I've also been back on dukan for a month. Lost weight after 1st child on this diet, now losing after 2nd. Keep going, it's worth it.
  • catcalls99
    catcalls99 Posts: 5 Member
    Congrats on getting a month into the Dukan Diet! I lost 45 pounds on Dukan, and the first month was the hardest.
  • deandra_carroll
    deandra_carroll Posts: 5 Member
    Hey girls - I survived literally a month and then I stopped but I try to i cropper some of his rules. I'm still losing weight so whatever it is in doing works and I feel healthier. I felt like death during that first Month on the dukan diet. I do appreciate his rules and the structure of the diet in crushing a persons bad habits. I would do it again but for now I'm gonna do my own thing until I'm ready for that again lol!