Tummy Trouble Testing Begins ...

So, I just gave 9 tubes of blood to begin testing for what the hell is going on in my tummy. Celiac & Food Intolerances are being looked at first and then about a month to get to all of my scheduled diagnostic tests. Not waiting that long ... Time to get to the bottom of this myself. Trying to reach a dietitian to discuss a FODMAPs elimination, not sure I can do it on my own.


  • af_wife2004
    af_wife2004 Posts: 149 Member
    I've known a lot of people with autoimmune disorders or unknown stomach problems who switch to paleo diets/autoimmune protocol for about a year to reduce symptoms/let things heal and then they reintroduce foods item by item to see how their body tolerates it.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    What is the problem with your stomach? I had huge stomach pains a couple times a month that pretty much went away when I started eating better and lost weight.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Did you have skin tests for food allergies? Is this your first testing? How long have you been experiencing symptoms? Have you been able to identify any foods that cause the problems? Did you discuss what you could do while waiting for the tests to come back with the allergist/immunologist that did the blood tests?

    I'm guessing they are doing more than just testing for allergens, though, since that normally doesn't take a month. If you want to do something in the meantime, it seems to me that the wise thing to do would be discuss a course of action with the doctor(s) treating you.
  • AshC1023
    AshC1023 Posts: 109
    Have you/are you been tested for Helicobacter Pylori? I have this stuff (it's common, you can get it from drinking dirty water - I won't go into what kind of water I've drank in Mexico and out herding cattle!) and can get it from other people, but it seriously wrecks your stomach like you wouldn't believe. Just something to consider, especially if you travel out of the US/1st world countries.
    - At least with me, it causes lots of things not to settle. I know I'm lactose intolerant to begin with, but other foods are hit and miss with what is going to leave me miserable or not.
    - http://www.medicinenet.com/helicobacter_pylori/article.htm
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    It took years for me to be diagnosed with Crohn's disease and IBS. Autoimmune disorders take a very long time to diagnose. I know you want to start feeling better right away, but I don't suggest making a lot of dietary changes until you have a diagnosis. The inflammation is horrible, but it's a lot easier to get a diagnosis when you're in a flare. That being said, a month is an awfully long time. Have you met with a gastroenterologist? Keep detailed records of what you eat, including any supplements and beverages. Keep track of activity and how many times you go to the bathroom (especially bowel movements). Also keep track of any symptoms you have, not just GI...headaches, muscle soreness, anything. An autoimmune disorder is a daily battle and doctors need lots of info to help you