Calories per day

My fitness pal estimated a caloric intake of 1240 per day for me and I'm finding that very difficult to stick to. If I stay at that I am not hungry after awhile and of course I feel so restricted after awhile that I can't stay in that range, get frustrated and want to give up! I need help!!!!! Any advice???


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    How many pounds per week do you have yourself set to lose? If you're having trouble fitting within that goal, decrease the pounds lost per week. Also, log your exercise and eat back a portion of the calories.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    My fitness pal estimated a caloric intake of 1240 per day for me and I'm finding that very difficult to stick to.
    Option #1: Reduce your weight loss goal. 2lb/week may be too aggressive if you're near your goal weight. Try 1% of your bodyweight or less.

    Option #2: Add exercise. This gives you calories to eat back. Yesterday I was allowed to eat 4,000 calories while still remaining under deficit.

    Option #3. Eat more protein and fiber. These foods tend to be more filling per calorie.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Are you losing at a satisfying rate at 1,240 per day? If so, adjust your intake by 100 calories a day until you find a happy medium.
  • minamina27
    minamina27 Posts: 89 Member
    If you set your account up and your goals in the Apple app it may be wrong. Mine was and so are many others calorie allowance. I was given about 1080 and it still says that when I change it back. I have altered mine now manually to 1300.
  • pjcfrancis
    pjcfrancis Posts: 121 Member
    Mine said 1600 and that's just not enough to keep me from feeling hungry all the time. But when I'm active, I can add quite a few calories to that so most days I eat around 1800 and stay below my limit.
  • joyhellstrom
    joyhellstrom Posts: 3 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    How many pounds per week do you have yourself set to lose? If you're having trouble fitting within that goal, decrease the pounds lost per week. Also, log your exercise and eat back a portion of the calories.

  • joyhellstrom
    joyhellstrom Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you everyone. I reduced my weightloss goal per week and it gave me more food. I've been trying to lose the same ten pounds for two years. I'm pretty good at routine and discipline but after awhile I can't do it anymore. Especially if I don't see success. But, having said that I don't give up ! Thanks again everyone!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    My fitness pal estimated a caloric intake of 1240 per day for me and I'm finding that very difficult to stick to. If I stay at that I am not hungry after awhile and of course I feel so restricted after awhile that I can't stay in that range, get frustrated and want to give up! I need help!!!!! Any advice???

    1240 is BEFORE exercise. Add some activity, log it, and eat back half the calories given. The reason for "half" is MFP tends to give generous calorie burn estimates.

    Many people choose to lose at a slower pace. That's actually a good thing if you can swing it. A moderate paced loss helps you keep more lean muscle, and is closer to your maintenance calories, so the transition should be smoother.

    If you can't stay in the 1240 range....don't. Consistency is more important than XX pounds per week.