feeling discouraged

mirgss Posts: 275 Member
edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
1. I have started getting up ridiculously early in the morning to run (this morning: 4:45). Every time I go it seems like it is harder and harder. Plus I can't seem to break a 10-minute mile. I have been running very regularly for around a month, and somewhat regularly for a long time before that...but I don't feel any more "fit" and I'm not noticing results in my times.

2. NIPPLE CHAFING. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but holy cow! I have never had this problem until very recently - wondering if it is due to wearing a top over my sports bra which I don't usually do. I used to scoff at it (especially Andy on The Office) but I now realize this phenomenon is quite painful.

3. The only support I am getting for my lifestyle change is from a friend of mine - an email buddy. It's nice to chat with him, but I wish my fiance could support me more. Only recently have I made the switch from simply running to also lifting weights, and I joined a gym for the summer so I could do kickboxing, zumba, etc. I really enjoy these activities and I am starting to see some definition in my arms and shoulders. I ask him, and he's like "you've always been thin". Which means no. Then he says my fitness is an obsession and it's "like anorexia with working out". I'm hardly that obsessed. I will admit to being addicted to exercise because it's something I can do for me, and with my busy schedule it helps de-stress me. Plus with the gym, I get social interaction with other women (which I don't get very much). I've tried explaining this, I've tried to get him to step outside his comfort zone with me, but he won't.

Sorry to air the dirty laundry; I am just having a tired and cranky morning :(


  • Paul76
    Paul76 Posts: 158
    You're doing great, don't get discouraged.

    As far as the nipples go - it's a fact for runners. I've been using "nip guards" from the local running store on longer and/or colder runs. What a difference - try them out.

    I've learned that it's a slow process trying to improve your times simply by going out and doing the same thing every day. For the last month or so I've been doing one hill training session and one tempo run (in addition to my regular runs) each week. For hill training, you find a hill that takes 2-3 minutes to run up (maybe 250 - 350 metres), and you run up and down it (1 interval) for 4 - 6 intervals. You'll be amazed how much the hill training improves your times over flat distances.

    For tempo runs, you just run at a higher pace over a shorter distance. For example, instead of going out and running 5k at 6:15 per km, I run 3k with a target of 5:45 per km. It can be intense, but it gets your body used to maintaining a higher pace.

    Good luck!
  • Natalie43
    Natalie43 Posts: 122 Member
    you need to do some interval training and if u can use any gym equipment, try some cross training on spinning bikes - its all made a big difference to me. you're doing great though so keep at it :smile:
  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    Congratulations to you for your determination. I know sometimes it's hard when you don't feel motivated and supported by those close to you. Turn to this website for that motivation and support because everyone on here seems to be just wonderful!!
    I introduced weight lifting into my exercise routine a long time ago and somehow my focus shifted from feeling the need to be thin to simply enjoying how strong my body felt. I began to see more definition in my arms and legs and it felt great. I totally get that obsessed feeling sometimes to exercise, but I think I am obsessed with that high I get after working out...I feel better mentally and physically and that is addictive.
    I'm not a runner so I can't offer any advice on that aspect but I just wanted to say keep up the good work...you are doing a great job.
    Feel free to add me as a friend...I'll be supportive!
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    Yeah I'm not so much interested in losing weight (I'm 125 lbs, 5'3") but I do want to get tone and be stronger. I love weight lifting! I also love going to the gym - zumba, yoga, pilates and all that is a nice break from running. Hopefully as I'm there longer I can meet some more people who can help support me too :) Thanks for your positive comments! They really help!
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