help me through March

I've been using mfp half-assed and unsuccessfully for a few years. There were times (months) when I wouldn't log at all,then months where I would, lose weight, gain it back. I started taking it seriously just a few weeks ago, I upped my calories to prevent binge eating (I am very prone to this) and am taking the weight loss thing slower. I am trying to make lifestyle changes. However I really like to have some drinks, not just a glass or two of wine, sometimes I like to get buzzed. I stopped doing this because it takes up too many of my calories but my birthday and wedding anniversary are this month. We are getting a hotel and going to hot springs. I am also going to a dance club and I will want some cocktails.

I want to have just a few days this month where I can let loose a little, but I feel like I am still so new to this I don't want to undo all the work I've done. If you have any advice, other than don't drink or have fun on your bday, please share tips! What do you do on vacations and special occasions.


  • HotPotato22
    Feel free to help a girl out!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    edited March 2015
    In the cycling community, we celebrate our birthdays another other special occasions by cycling more ... or cycling an event ... or cycling to a special place.

    For a birthday, for example, one of the traditions is to cycle our age. If we're turning 40, we'll cycle 40 miles.

    My husband and I cycled a century (100 miles) on our wedding day, so we try to cycle something similar every anniversary.

    The point being ... if you're going to go out and consume extra calories, plan to exercise a corresponding amount before or after. Figure it out ... 3 drinks will be how many calories? How much exercise will you need to burn that off? And perhaps make that exercise part of the celebration.

    For example, if you're going to a hotel and hot springs, maybe there's some good hiking in the area. Go for a decent hike ... the soak in the hot springs. :)

    My birthday is coming up this month too. I don't drink, but I am planning to have something chocolate ... perhaps a slice of chocolate cheesecake topped with chocolate sauce. And I'll be cycling the corresponding amount to burn it off ... probably something close to cycling my age ... maybe more.
  • HotPotato22
    Good Idea on the hike, thanks!!