Good Warm-Up Exercises Before Working Out?

Hey Everyone,

I start my first day back at the gym tomorrow, meeting with a personal trainer and I want to make sure I warm up before I work out. Does anyone have any good, or necessary, warm up exercise suggestions?


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Your trainer should put you through a warm up. Sometimes it's a few minutes on the treadmill followed by other activities. Sometimes it is simply doing the first few exercises at a slightly lighter weight or easier level.
  • MeganFlanagan16
    MeganFlanagan16 Posts: 136 Member
    Yeah I was just curious. I signed up for a personal trainer today, but he wasn't there for me to meet him before tomorrow. The guy that helped me sign up just said to be there 15min early to do warm up exercises before the trainer gets there... Just wanted to make sure I'm warmed up incase he didn't plan on doing that with me.
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    Here is my go-to warm up, it might give you some ideas:
  • rez2012
    rez2012 Posts: 39 Member
    A good full body warmup I like to do is the rowing machine. A solid 500 meters should be enough to warm up. Also, I like jumping jacks.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Before your trainer does anything with you they should do a fitness assessment. This would include a health history questionnaire and they should have you perform some basic movements while they watch. If they jump right into a workout then you should ask for another one or get your money back.
  • MeganFlanagan16
    MeganFlanagan16 Posts: 136 Member
    I already did the fitness assessment today :)
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Check the Limber 11 out:

    Great warm-up/mobility routine. The video is around 20 minutes because Joe DeFranco really coaches though the moves. Takes more like 10 minutes to do it.
  • blakenz
    blakenz Posts: 3
    In my opinion start with some walking or rowing for a couple of minutes, then do some foam rolling (can search youtube for key movements) , finally move into a few gentle dynamic stretches. The whole thing shouldn't take more than 10mins. Should all be gentle, athough the foam rolling can be a little uncomfortable like a deep massage if you are a bit tight.