Calorie Intake

I recently joined and I am not sure of my calorie intake. I was told that if I do a low calorie diet and excersise I will loose weight. My calorie intake is around 900 and I excersise 3 days a week for some reason I lost 3 pounds in two weeks, and now my scale doesn't move. I do feel healthier and like I can run longer and have more stamina but like I said the scale doesn't change. Should I be eating more calories? I don't want to eat less!!!


  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Why are you only eating 900 calories? Your body needs a lot more than that just to function. Research online for BMR and TDEE and eat between those numbers. Eating so little will increase muscle loss along the way and eating so little will also make it much harder, if not impossible for you to consume the nutrients your body needs.