Next Phase getting rid of the last bit of fat

Hey all! I'm looking for some advice. SO, a little history first.
I have dropped about 105lbs in the last year, I'm dedicated, motivated, and just all in when it comes to my health and being in shape. I'm in the best condition of my life and I did it with a sensible diet and exercise (Go figure right?)
I eat about 1700 calories a day with about 170g of protein (before workouts)
Lean meats (skinless chicken breast)
Carbs through low cal bread and or Multigrain & Vegi mix from Trader Joes
Eggs and a little goat cheese (less than 1/5 a serving) for breakfast
I currently weigh in at 187 at 5'11.5"
I work out 2 times a week with Les Mills Bodypump
I started running at least 2 times a week from 1.5-2.5 mi runs 12-30 minutes

My goal is to get rid of the last bit of fat that I have and be lean. I'd like to build a little muscle while I'm at it, but I also know that the bodypump class won't add mass it just cuts. SO, I leave it to you who've gone before me to help me with your well earned chiseled bodies. What's my next step(s)??


  • compgeek812
    compgeek812 Posts: 57 Member
    While I've seen some good arguments both ways, I prefer to cut down to where I'm comfortable, then lift on a bulk until I reach a bodyfat threshold at which point I cut again.
    That being said, there is no reason you can't start lifting even if you continue cutting, you won't be gaining any muscle mass on a cut but it will help with strength and preservation of existing muscle.