Starting to take a daily vitamin...suggestions?



  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Before you take any supplement you should have your doctor draw blood to see if you are deficient first. A lot of people don't realize that too much of certain types of vitamins/supplements can actually be dangerous. Just because they are OTC doesn't mean they can't be harmful. Water soluble vitamins you will just pee out if you take too much, but fat soluble vutamins can build up in your system. In a sense, vitamin levels in your body are kind of like calorie intake- too little is bad and too much is bad, in between lies a good level lol.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    On the recommendation of my doctor I take a multivitamin with iron , vitamin e, and fish oil (I but Natures Made). I stopped taking the calcium supplement recommended by my orthopedist when my kidney specialist told me it was the cause of my first two episodes of kidney stones. Unfortunately I still get stones but they are no longer calcium based.