How do I stay motivated??

I have been on this loose 20lbs gain 15lbs seesaw for over a year now. For those of you who have been logging daily, changed your eating habits, started exercising, etc. What are some things that you have done that help you stay motivated daily??

Do you put post its on the mirror?
Do you have workout buddies?

I need some ideas on how to stay motivated b/c it seems like for 2 months I can do it - see drastic weight loss, and then boom out of nowhere I'm back doing nothing and eating whatever.

During the summer I'm home alone at from 5:30-11pm, mon-thurs. so i have plenty of time to work out but after working all day then the hour commute home I just "dont feel like it" i know it's an excuse but how do i get past it?


  • FussyFruitbat
    FussyFruitbat Posts: 110 Member
    When you "just don't feel like it" go try on your snuggest pair of pants and then go eat in front of the mirror. If that doesn't make you want to lose weight, nothing will.
  • themelmac
    themelmac Posts: 59 Member
    When you "just don't feel like it" go try on your snuggest pair of pants and then go eat in front of the mirror. If that doesn't make you want to lose weight, nothing will.

    ^^^ this made me LOL. A fantastic idea.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    There's nothing really to "do", other than to have the strong enough desire to change your life. If you don't want it bad enough, no amount of gimmicky motivational tools is going to help.

    The one thing I will say is, you mentioned that you see drastic weight loss in 2 months and then you give up. Have you given any thought to the idea that you might be going too hard? Drastic weight loss almost always fails because you're too restrictive in your diet and are doomed to failure. Try setting your weight loss goal to 1lb/week at MOST, meet your goals and take it slow.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    all that stuff, logging calories regular exercise, cooking healthy meals, drinking plenty of water, it's not motivation, it's habit.

    now as far as having goals is concerned, i think that signing up for a race six months down the line is a great way to stay focused.

    and if you don't feel like working out in the afternoon, then don't. go early in the morning instead. i love it. the gym is quiet and i have it mostly to myself. and then, no matter what the day is like, at least i've worked out.
  • MyProgressISYour1Proof
    MyProgressISYour1Proof Posts: 376 Member
    for me, I just want to stay healthy and make the best choices in my eating as possible. If I don't focus on the scale number, I do better overall. For me it is all mental. I've gained back all I've lost on here plus some but, when i look back at pictures, I looked sickly and right now, I feel/look amazing. All I have to say is, you have to want to do it. It can't be a chore or boring. Make it fun somehow and if working out with someone helps, locate a buddy near you. Feel free to add me also if you like.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    You have to make it a habit, and then a lifestyle.
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    You have to make it a habit, and then a lifestyle.

    ^ this and tell yourself... You sissy get your butt to the gym! You know you will feel better when your done!

    "You're Worthless and Weak, Now Drop n Give Me 20!" :bigsmile:
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    It's a lifestyle you have to embrace. It's not a diet. Stick with it, make it a habit and live by it.

    also the 'put on your tightest pair of pants' idea is a hit as well.
    I've even gone so far as standing in front of the mirror nekkked while trying to eat something I shouldnt and made myself sick by it. It changes your whole point of view.

    Edited for grammar correction.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Motivation is overrated.

    If you only do what you feel like doing when you feel like doing it, you'll never succeed at anything.

    ETA: I don't mean that to sound harsh. The two phrases I use to "motivate" myself are: "Do the thing that must be done" and "If it kills you, it kills you."
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I know how you feel about no motivation after work. I work 12-hour shifts -- leave my house at 5:10 AM and get home about 7:10 PM -- by that point all I want to do is sit on the couch for 30 minutes and then go to bed.

    So, I've devised a "training schedule" around my work schedule. I work Thursday - Saturday and every other Wednesday. I make sure that my off-work days focus on exercises outdoors -- running, hit the gym to do strength and climb, and go hiking with the dogs, etc. On work days I do much much less -- morning workouts on Thursday/Friday AT HOME (insanity video, plus a short run, maybe a bike ride to the train station, etc.). And my new goal that I'm working on right now is taking the dogs for a 15-20 minute stroll when I get home from work.

    I guess my point is, make a plan that works for you and start one thing at time -- you probably lost motivation to continue your program because you started everything at ONCE: diet, exercise, probably just got burnt out. Focus on one change at time, so for the next month focus on one thing: eating healthier at work; not indulging when someone brings in cookies; going for a short walk when you get home; etc.

    Find a partner -- that always helped me. Set up a program between the two of you, odds are that the day you don't feel like going your partner will and it'll force you to go anyway.

    ETA: If you have dogs I find they help A LOT! My dogs are super easy, so I literally can go 4 work days with only walking them 10 feet to the yard and then leaving them home alone all day and I get no complaints or annoyances from them. BUT I find that I'm more guilty if I skip their it usually forces me to do their exercise even if I'm feeling tired.
  • JDySart777
    JDySart777 Posts: 270 Member
    When you "just don't feel like it" go try on your snuggest pair of pants and then go eat in front of the mirror. If that doesn't make you want to lose weight, nothing will.

    ^^^ this made me LOL. A fantastic idea.

    LMAO!!!! Love it! ^
  • BadassCrossfitMama
    BadassCrossfitMama Posts: 110 Member
    Thanks everyone, great advise. I agree alot with the getting burned out. I did a drastic change and drastic exercise routine and then got injured and it all started back so now I'm going slow. I've already cut out sodas a few weeks back, i'm not trying to add walking or c25k in the afternoons - I'm not a morning person and already getting up at 6 to be at work by 8 is a push for me. That might be a later goal. If I can get a walk in as soon as I get home - maybe I'll bring my workout clothes to work and change so I can go straight to my walking path or gym on rainy days. Then I wont be tempted to park my butt and not move once I get home.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    Motivation is overrated.

    If you only do what you feel like doing when you feel like doing it, you'll never succeed at anything.

    ETA: I don't mean that to sound harsh. The two phrases I use to "motivate" myself are: "Do the thing that must be done" and "If it kills you, it kills you."

    This ^

    It just comes down to actions.

    And coffee.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Thanks everyone, great advise. I agree alot with the getting burned out. I did a drastic change and drastic exercise routine and then got injured and it all started back so now I'm going slow. I've already cut out sodas a few weeks back, i'm not trying to add walking or c25k in the afternoons - I'm not a morning person and already getting up at 6 to be at work by 8 is a push for me. That might be a later goal. If I can get a walk in as soon as I get home - maybe I'll bring my workout clothes to work and change so I can go straight to my walking path or gym on rainy days. Then I wont be tempted to park my butt and not move once I get home.

    it takes you two hours to get ready and commute to work?? i honestly wonder how much of this is wasted time, such as checking your phone or watching tv, preparing breakfast or lunch and coffee? not picking on you at all. i used to do this too.

    but i really never worked out in the afternoon/evening after work. so i started adjusting my habits. i had my alarm set for 4:30am, with the coffee pot set up and on automatic. my clothes were laid out for the gym, and my work clothes packed in a bag. i'd wake up to a warm pot of coffee and my lunch and breakfast already packed the night before. i'd go to the bathroom, get dressed pour my coffee in a travel mug and out the door by 5am the latest. gym by 530am to work out. by 7am i had to wrap it upand hit the showers. at work at 8am.

    the key to this is going to bed early. you can't stay up to watch leno. you need/want your 6-8 hours of sleep? well, be in bed by 9... or learn to sleep faster.

    now i work shift work, so it's a little different. i have to be AT work at 5:30am, so working out on days that i work is out. but on my days off, i still wake up at 4:30am.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I love working out after work. I work long days and my commute sucks but I look forward to working out when I get home since I sit in my butt all day! The last thing I want to do is sit on my butt at home. Yes, I'm really tired by the time I get home but the tiredness goes away as soon as you start working out, I swear.

    As far as staying motivated, I used to do the same lose weight/gain weight cycles. My problem was that I took an "all or nothing" approach. I cut out a bunch of "bad" foods and was really strict with myself. No wonder why that only works for 2 months! We are human! Sometimes humans just need a piece of damn cake! While I was losing weight I ate frozen yogurt with a bunch of "naughty" toppings at least once a week. Why? Because I wanted it. I tried to fit it into my calories. If it wouldn't fit, oh well! I ate less the next day or amped up my workout that day. You need to be flexible with yourself or else it will be way too easy to give up.

    Log every day, good and bad. It's ok if you go over now and then, and I actually recommend it. It will make you feel more like a human and less like a miserable dieting machine. Change your bad habits to good ones, but do it slowly. There's no race. This is your life. It's worth doing it the right way, yes?

    Good luck, have a cookie, and go for a jog outside TONIGHT after work! I'll be out there with ya!
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Motivation is overrated.

    If you only do what you feel like doing when you feel like doing it, you'll never succeed at anything.

    ETA: I don't mean that to sound harsh. The two phrases I use to "motivate" myself are: "Do the thing that must be done" and "If it kills you, it kills you."


    I think it comes down to this...if you want it bad enough, you'll do it. Once I decided I was DONE with cigarettes, I never looked back. And NOW I can actually breathe so I can exercise and stuff. Winning!
  • yavrig
    yavrig Posts: 28
    If morning workouts aren't your thing (not mine either), then get to your exercise routine BEFORE you get home after work. The extra boost to your metabolism will keep you burning your evening meal more efficiently. Besides, after a good workout, you will hopefully be reminded to make better dinner choices. Don't forget to have a pre-workout snack to get you through your workout.

    One thing I do to keep myself on track is using my smart phone to remind me to do certain things. It reminds me to take my vitamins, it reminds me when I have a workout scheduled, it reminds me to track. A year and a half later, it's still not second nature and perhaps it's because I have come to rely on my phone, but hey, it's working for me, steadily but surely. Also, by planning/scheduling my workouts, I leave little room for excuses, I get my stuff ready in advance, and if friends want to hang out, I check my schedule and work around it, instead of skipping my workout.

    You can do it. You've proven to yourself you can do it. Now, go and do it!
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I stay motivated by telling myself it's okay to be selfish when it comes to my health, and it's not fair that my poor horse has to carry around 200+ when I should only weigh 140 or less. I've also found lots of healthy indulgences like Larabar, Kind +, Clif Mojo, Bel Vita, etc. they are like eating cookies and candy only you can pronounce every ingrediant in them. If I want a treat I'll go get a fruit smoothie or make one at home. I exercise as soon as I get home, that's my "me" time and since I'm selfish about my health I deserve a little "me" time. Also, find an exercise routine that you love to do, I just started Zumba and I'm already addicted. If it's fun for you you'll keep doing it, if it gets old then change it up.
  • aliciagetshealthy
    aliciagetshealthy Posts: 946 Member
    For me, motivation ended more than a year ago...this is just life. Going back was never an option I gave myself, so after being gong-ho for the first 2 months, I got real. I made small, gradual changes that worked with my schedule and lifestyle. I don't do/eat anything now that I can't see myself doing 5 years from now...or 10...or 20. I also agree with the poster who suggested setting goals 6+ months's what I did because I love a good challenge, and I find I do better with something to shoot for. The bottom line really comes down to finding something that you'll be able to live with doesn't have to match up with someone else's idea of what works for them - do what works for you.
  • BadassCrossfitMama
    BadassCrossfitMama Posts: 110 Member
    Thanks everyone, great advise. I agree alot with the getting burned out. I did a drastic change and drastic exercise routine and then got injured and it all started back so now I'm going slow. I've already cut out sodas a few weeks back, i'm not trying to add walking or c25k in the afternoons - I'm not a morning person and already getting up at 6 to be at work by 8 is a push for me. That might be a later goal. If I can get a walk in as soon as I get home - maybe I'll bring my workout clothes to work and change so I can go straight to my walking path or gym on rainy days. Then I wont be tempted to park my butt and not move once I get home.

    it takes you two hours to get ready and commute to work?? i honestly wonder how much of this is wasted time, such as checking your phone or watching tv, preparing breakfast or lunch and coffee? not picking on you at all. i used to do this too.

    but i really never worked out in the afternoon/evening after work. so i started adjusting my habits. i had my alarm set for 4:30am, with the coffee pot set up and on automatic. my clothes were laid out for the gym, and my work clothes packed in a bag. i'd wake up to a warm pot of coffee and my lunch and breakfast already packed the night before. i'd go to the bathroom, get dressed pour my coffee in a travel mug and out the door by 5am the latest. gym by 530am to work out. by 7am i had to wrap it upand hit the showers. at work at 8am.

    the key to this is going to bed early. you can't stay up to watch leno. you need/want your 6-8 hours of sleep? well, be in bed by 9... or learn to sleep faster.

    now i work shift work, so it's a little different. i have to be AT work at 5:30am, so working out on days that i work is out. but on my days off, i still wake up at 4:30am.

    I get up at 6 get ready leave by 6:45 to be at work by 7:45. trust me no wasted time, i dont do breakfast at home or coffee do all that at work. but what works for some doesnt work for others and i know from experience trying to work out in the mornings does not work for me. like i said I might try to make that goal later on but for now it just doesnt work. plus when schools in i leave earlier to get my son to school. no worries i dont think you're picking on me - but if you know how to sleep faster please share that! I'd love to squeeze 8 hours into 6 lol :)