You are a fatty



  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    randomtai wrote: »

    he reminds me of

  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I have to admit that this desire has been with me for twenty years. Howeve, now, armed with doctors orders I can begin on that difficult climb up to lowering my weight
    So having someone else tell you you need to lose weight somehow makes it possible for you to buckle down and eat less, exercise more?
    You won't succeed until you take control. This is something _you_ have to do.
    Don't put the power anywhere else or you'll fail. Not in your doctor, your exercise coach, nobody.

    "Most weight loss occurs because of decreased caloric intake.
    However, evidence shows the only way to maintain weight loss is to be engaged in regular physical activity."

    gpstreet wrote:
    It has been a lofty goal of mine to drop from 88kg to below 79kg.
    47yo male
    194 lb --> 174 lb
    20 lb is a "lofty goal"? :confused:

    Here's a BMI chart.
    The range for which 194 lb is overweight but 174 lb is in the healthy range is for a height between 5'11" and 6'2".

    Here's a newbie help post with links to helpful info.
    Go read sexypants now.
    Then the post about realistic goal setting.
    Here's a calculator from the Baylor College of Medicine which takes into account your age, height, weight, and activity level to tell you how many calories you should eat to maintain weight.
    If you put in your goal of 78kg, it will tell you how many servings of the various food groups you need to maintain that weight. Use the "inactive" calorie goal, and ignore your exercise calories.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    gpstreet wrote: »
    "But I don't feel fat" I replied to the doctor.
    I cannot say I trusted the doctor all that much so I asked for a second opinion.
    "You are ugly aswell" the doctor replied.

    Well maybe the conversation with my doctor didn't quite go like that but one thing that did come out of my bi-annual health check was I needed to lose a little weight.

    It has been a lofty goal of mine to drop from 88kg to below 79kg. I have to admit that this desire has been with me for twenty years. Howeve, now, armed with doctors orders I can begin on that difficult climb up to lowering my weight .

    That evening I celebrated at an industrial award ceremony event by drinking loads of free champagne and wine together with wonderful buffet. Not the greatest of starts

    You have posted an excellent conversation starter. :)

    When I was obese and people would tell me they were concerned about my weight, that I needed to lose some weight for my health, or my doctor would tell me to take some of the weight off, all I heard was:

    "You're fat and ugly."

    That's it.

    How sad is that?

    Those stupid messages that play over and over in our heads when someone brings our weight up, they stand in our way of success. What I had to learn was to get rid of those messages that I was not pretty because I was fat, that I could do anything because I was fat, that I gained weight on 1300 calories so why even try, I have to avoid certain foods because they evil or fattening.

    Finally, I believe I have changed my relationship with myself and with food. I have learned the tools of weight loss that work for me: weighing food, logging food and exercise, planning ahead, and just staying conscious of what I put into my mouth. For example, yesterday I had a cookie at the coffee shop that I knew would put me over my calorie goal, but I had the cookie in full consciousness knowing the consequence. That's the difference: when I was overweight, I mindlessly ate food and didn't think about moderation and portion control.

    You can do this, I know you can.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    SconnieCat wrote: »

    Major wat
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    gpstreet wrote: »
    maybe you should just strive to be 6'2? :wink:

    Hope you enjoyed your last supper - now get down to eating less and moving more

    I wonder if I can buy one of those old fashioned torture racks that were used to stretch victims . :-)

    Nope. My mother was under five feet tall and swore hanging upside down on the monkey bars at the park gave her some extra height. :D
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited March 2015
    TheBigFb wrote: »
    i use to think i was big boned, then I copped onto myself and realise i was a fat *kitten*

    Growing up, everybody always told me I was big boned, which you are supposed to measure by putting fingers around your wrist. It's not true because that wrist has certainly shrunk since I've lost weight. :)
  • gpstreet
    gpstreet Posts: 184 Member
    Sometimes you just need someone you respect to give you the push to start on the road to success. In this case it is a doctor. It also helps having a milestone to aim for which in my case is a follow on health review 12 weeks after the initial meeting. Only 9 weeks to go now and this morning I was surprised to see I was 82.9kg, down from 88.6 kg in three weeks.
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    You can't fix ugly. Good luck on dropping some weight.
  • gpstreet
    gpstreet Posts: 184 Member
    Hmm. I think we can fix our perception of ourselves as being 'ugly' but I agree you cannot change other peoples perception. However we should cherish our own thoughts above all others. In other words who cares if people think we are ugly if we think we are not ugly.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Am I the only one who was amused by the OP? :)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    gpstreet wrote: »
    Hmm. I think we can fix our perception of ourselves as being 'ugly' but I agree you cannot change other peoples perception. However we should cherish our own thoughts above all others. In other words who cares if people think we are ugly if we think we are not ugly.

  • gpstreet
    gpstreet Posts: 184 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Am I the only one who was amused by the OP? :)
    I am not amused and posted the damn thing :-)

  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    gpstreet wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Am I the only one who was amused by the OP? :)
    I am not amused and posted the damn thing :-)

    Mr Street-you are of to a fine start. Do stick around.
  • gpstreet
    gpstreet Posts: 184 Member

    Mr Street-you are of to a fine start. Do stick around.

    Many thanks. I am a quarter the way through a 12 week challenge and happy with the progress. This community section just adds a fun dimension to the ordeal.
  • ayounggypsy
    ayounggypsy Posts: 1 Member
    Not sure if the :"You can't fix ugly" was meant to be a joke, I hope it was. If not the good news is that you can definitely fix being rude, if you try hard enough. Just a suggestion. Good luck to you gpstreet on the weight loss journey!!
  • gpstreet
    gpstreet Posts: 184 Member
    Not sure if the :"You can't fix ugly" was meant to be a joke, I hope it was. If not the good news is that you can definitely fix being rude, if you try hard enough. Just a suggestion. Good luck to you gpstreet on the weight loss journey!!

    I assume everything was written with humour and good intentions in mind. Remember the "Shaughnessy rule" - always assume things said or written are done so with the best intentions in mind until proven otherwise.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    @gpstreet are you British? I spy a certain British self-deprecation and humour that sometimes has a cultural barrier
  • gpstreet
    gpstreet Posts: 184 Member
    I am English :-)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    gpstreet wrote: »
    I am English :-)

    I knew it :bigsmile: