Discourged/Regain 3 years after WLS

I've regained about 40 pounds in the past 8 months and I'm feeling really down about it and finding it hard to get back on track. I had a VSG in February 2010 and lost about 100 lbs from my high of 308. I pleatuead and hung around 200-215 for about a year, and I'm now hovering in the 240s. It's super depressing.

I attribute my problems this past year to two things: new job and new relationship. I work in an office full of people that love to eat and we are downtown close to lots of restaurants within walking distance so the temptation is always there. Work is very stressful and I come home every day completely drained and not wanting to do anything. The relationship has been very stressful too dealing with my boyfriend's ex and other things. Plus I tend to eat what he eats and well....it obviously isn't working for me.

I want to get control of this before it gets any worse but I feel like I did before...just so down and negative. Even though I didn't reach my goal weight of 165, my confidence and body image increased greatly and I was generally pretty happy. Now, in less than a year I have hardly any clothes that fit and I hate having to go out anywhere.

I need motivation to get going again. I still have some restriction from my surgery, but I can eat just as much as anyone else during the course of a normal day. And sweets don't seem to take up much room...damn them! I am 28 years old and have PCOS/insulin resistance which has always been a big source of my weight issues.

Would love to connect with anyone with similar issues. I would really like to reach my goal this time around and stop feeling so crummy all the time.


  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    The first thing to do is to just track your food/exercise. Be honest and get a good picture of what your average day/week look like.
    Once you've established that baseline, identify areas where you can make sustainable changes (walk after lunch, workout for 20 minutes in the morning, tweak portion sizes etc.). Explore the message boards - there's a lot of discussion of various types of exercises, dvds, etc. And there are plenty of recipes and meal/snack suggestions. What worked for me was limiting my processed foods and finding some exercise that I liked to do but wouldn't take me a huge amount of time. At first that meant giving up soda and doing the 30 Day Shred dvd (24 min a day) & logging progress with a 30DS discusson group on MFP. I also started taking walks after lunch (a nice break to the work day) - which also allowed me to destress & re-energize (seems counter-intutiative, but exercise doesn't exhaust, it energizes, so if you are drained, take a walk). Try new things, find what you like to do or at least what you can commit to doing - you'll find that whatever you like doing, MFP has a group that will cheer you on! Good Luck !