Unsure how to 'phrase my question'

I really dont know how to phrase this, so im just going to say it an then people can nit pick until i can gain enough answers.

I want to work on my upper arms (tone flabby bits build strength)
I dont want anything that will mean going to the gym (cause i hate gyms) and or ripping apart my house to fit things in.

Iv got 2kg dumbells (i know, tiny piddly ones, but everyone needs to start somewhere)
Im looking into Kettle bells.
I have no strength for pushups (jesus i know!)

Tips suggestions and general "woman wtf" comments highly appreciated.



  • mikeatmichael
    mikeatmichael Posts: 92 Member
    Start with vertical pushups - stand an arms length from a wall and do pushups against the wall. Do them slowly, 2 seconds down 1 sec. pause, 2 sec. up, i sec. pause. repeat. Try to work up to 2 sets of 50.

    After you can do that try doing push ups on the stairs. stand at the bottom of the stairs and lean on to the highest stair you can reach, at least waist high. Do them slowly again and as you build strength increase reps until you can move to lower stairs.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    You cannot spot reduce fat. So, diet is key. Fat loss will come. Strength training is definitely needed. I guarantee you can lift more than 2 kg dumbbells. Think about all the things you lift in daily life. For push-ups, start with wall pushups, then move to modified, then "real". Compound movements are the best, things like over head press and bench, even though your arms aren't the targeted muscle groups, they'll get worked. You could do accessory work like dips, hammer curls, skull crushers, etc.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    the way you get strength for push ups is by doing pushups.

    start against the wall and gradually work your way down. you can go against a counter, then a step, then an aerobic bench. check out the 100pushup site

    i wouldnt even bother with the on the knees kind if i were you since those arent going to help develop the type strength you need for the military style pushups
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    You cannot spot reduce fat. So, diet is key. Fat loss will come. Strength training is definitely needed. I guarantee you can lift more than 2 kg dumbbells. Think about all the things you lift in daily life. For push-ups, start with wall pushups, then move to modified, then "real". Compound movements are the best, things like over head press and bench, even though your arms aren't the targeted muscle groups, they'll get worked. You could do accessory work like dips, hammer curls, skull crushers, etc.

    Im not spot reducing fat its to add to what im already doing (calorie deficit, cross trainer, walking) only muppets think you can spot reduce, i want to tone up my arms, cross training and walking dosnt really do this.

    I 'lift' or rather assist residents to stand on a daily basis. I know i can lift more, but im talking for longer than a few minutes.

    Mikeatmichael: thanks, ill give them a try, i can do 'girly pushups' as i call them, on my knees but i find it kills my knees >.<
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    the way you get strength for push ups is by doing pushups.

    This! Keep trying!
  • SCtolulu
    SCtolulu Posts: 154 Member
    My arms were awful when I started back in March. I am finally noticing a real difference in look and strength. Back then I asked the same question as you. The answers were overwhelmingly lift heavy. Not sure if it's considered heavy but I happened to have 12 pound bells and started that day. That combined with 10 to 15 minutes of ashtanga yoga have done wonders! (and that 15 pounds I lost probably helped too:)

    Try Kino Macgregor Sun Series A on youtube. It doesn't take a long to come a long way.

    Good luck!
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    Thanks guys.

    Btw just re-read my last post, i didnt mean it to come across as rude... its just i know you cant spot reduce and my original post dosnt even remotely suggest it. I was just looking for something that targets mostly arms for strength :smile:

    Pushups it is then, thanks guys and gals x
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    oh an i youtubed ashtanga yoga..... im really nowhere near that flexible lol :D
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    Girly pushups work but its about positioning the hands. Keep you hands at chest level and you can make changes. At least until you can do the full military style pushup. The closer your hands are to your head, the easier the pushup is because you are not using your chest muscles as much.

    I started out with practically ZERO upper body strength and did wall pushups for a while. Then progressed to pushups off a chair. Then I went to the floor and did a few military style pushups until I could not maintain form (usually 3 or so) and then went to my knees. Now I am doing full on pushups and only drop to my knees to complete the set if I have already worked my chest pretty hard with something else.

    I also do exercises for shoulders, lats, biceps and triceps to work on my upper body strength. When not in the gym, I use resistance bands and can get a great workout from those.