dont want to exercise



  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Then don't then, as others have said yu can lose weight without. All things being equal though you will lose weight faster, be healthuer, lose less muscle and generally be better off doing exercise. If you dont want any of that carry on.
  • slucki01
    slucki01 Posts: 284 Member
    There's lots of things in life that I don't like to do (like pay bills, work out, be civil to jerky people) but I do them anyway because I like the results. Taking care of yourself is part of being a grownup
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    You don't have to. But you get to eat more if you do!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I don't like wiping my butt.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    I can't eat all the foods if I don't do the exercise..........without penalty of course

    You choose.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I don't want to either, but I know it's better for my body and my long-term goals
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Don't want to type either, I see. I like exercising now.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    I don't like wiping my butt.

    :laugh: :laugh:
    don't think any one else would either!
  • jenn8278
    jenn8278 Posts: 396 Member
    I don't either, but my urge to stuff my face with all kinds of food is just a smidge stronger than my urge to be a lazy couch turd, so off I go running every day. Sucks, man.

    I dislike working out. I hate being sticky and sweaty (and I am a big-time sweater!). But I LOVE food. Thus, I work out.
    I make a schedule for myself. And, as lame as it sounds, I put stickers on my calendar for each time I work out. I feel accomplished to look back at the week and see all the times I decided not to be a "lazy couch turd." :wink:
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    jenn8278 wrote: »
    I don't either, but my urge to stuff my face with all kinds of food is just a smidge stronger than my urge to be a lazy couch turd, so off I go running every day. Sucks, man.

    I dislike working out. I hate being sticky and sweaty (and I am a big-time sweater!). But I LOVE food. Thus, I work out.
    I make a schedule for myself. And, as lame as it sounds, I put stickers on my calendar for each time I work out. I feel accomplished to look back at the week and see all the times I decided not to be a "lazy couch turd." :wink:

    I wonder what other active activities you hate?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    i hated it to start then i learned to do the workouts i love. some days i dont wanna work out so i dont i dont force myself or i dont put in the effort.
  • KateTheBlonde
    KateTheBlonde Posts: 15 Member
    If I tell myself i'll go for a run/to the gym on a weekend morning as soon as I'm up, I end up staying in bed until midday and then deciding it's too late. Still get a fair bit in during the week but it's hard!
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    I've always enjoyed participating in sports growing up... so I always had a coach to kick my *ss... THEN I began working for a living... hard physical work in the most gruelling weather and terrain conditions you can imagine... so testing my physical limits is NOT foreign to me... I tell ya the toughest part of it all is getting started...the fear and anxiety.. what if I hurt myself what if I have a heart attack...or a stroke... after leading a sedentary life for almost 12 years... I had a hard look in the mirror and with some horror realized what I had done to myself... so I drug my butt into a gym plopped down the pesos for a 2 year membership .. went to the locker room and changed into my workout wear... walked over to an elliptical trainer... pushed a couple of buttons and off I went on level 1... 10 minutes later overwhelmed by the fear that I was going to be the guy they cart out of there in an ambulance I got off and it took almost 1/2 hour for me to feel "normal" again... BUT I kept going back... not every day... not even every week.. BUT eventually I made it a routine... NOW I am not the epitome of a gym rat.. I let that gym membership expire because MY company built a gym in the building... and I ma just now getting back into a routine after being diagnosed type II diabetic... and working with my Doctors to work out my current medication, and learning to manage my diet better... BUT I've been on that elliptical and pushed hard for up to 45 minutes... and welcomed the flush of dopamine, adrenalin and whatever else it takes for my body to deal with the physical stress I am capable of inflicting on myself... I see it this way... My Grandparents lived a hard physical existence to raise their that those children and their Grandchildren (me, et al) could have a better quality of life... I owe it not only to their memory... but to my children.. and my future grandchildren.. to set that same example as long as I am able... a person needs precious few things to lead that life... if you make time to sit in front of a TV to laugh, or to cry, or to yell.. then you certainly have time to exercise.. NOT only is food and breathing important o your life.. SO is exercise... it isn't an option it is a NECESSITY.. THANK YOU AND GOOD DAY
  • lizek316
    lizek316 Posts: 76 Member
    Arduinna4 wrote: »
    The days you dont want to exercise are the days you need exercise the most.

    Unless your body is telling you that you need a rest day
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    lizek316 wrote: »
    Arduinna4 wrote: »
    The days you dont want to exercise are the days you need exercise the most.

    Unless your body is telling you that you need a rest day

    That first quote is awful advice.

  • GoGoMary4
    GoGoMary4 Posts: 33 Member
    I hate the gym and working out too. Do little things like do not sit for more than 45 mins at a time during the day get up and more for a few mins. If you have stairs in the house run up them every time. only carry two bags of groceries at a time into the house and make lots of trips. do squats when folding laundry. Waiting for the microwave, do a few push ups. There are lots of ways to be more active if you look for them. People used to never go to the gym because they were active so just kick your activity into high gear. And watch your diet very closely.
  • jenfran89
    jenfran89 Posts: 26 Member
    mitch16 wrote: »
    You don't have to. But you get to eat more if you do!

    That's always been my motivation!

  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    I love it. Can't wait for tomorrow morning to get my lift in and HIIT. Different strokes I guess.
  • davidbur
    davidbur Posts: 11 Member
    I have a balance issue as well as a deep desire to not gain back the 50 lbs I lost several years ago. Regular, daily exercise contributes to keeping both in check. I just get up and do it.