
Not sure if this should go here or not, but I'm wondering what socks do you wear that actually last?

I need to wear super thin breathable ones, and currently wear the $2 ones from Walmart. They last about 3-4 weeks before they get holes and I need to go buy more. I'd rather spend more money on better quality socks! Or is this just a 'normal' problem with thin socks? I'm actually worried that once I start running I'll need to be buying socks even more often!


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'm not loyal to a specific brand but I know that I have some from Reebok and some from Mizuno. I look for sales/clearance and usually end up getting them around $40-$5/pair. I have probably 12 pairs or so that I rotate through and have never had any with holes yet.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    When you go to a running store to get your shoes, check out their socks. I've gotten thin running socks there and they've lasted a long time (the oldest ones are 2 yrs long as I've been running).
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    @jemhh‌ I probably have about 12 pairs too. I feel like every other day I'm throwing one out due to holes!

    @PaytraB‌ thanks, I will check out the local running store. I wasn't sure if they would have any, or if they would have them but they'd be marked up ridiculously high or something
  • gdljjj
    gdljjj Posts: 10 Member
    I have thin socks from JCPenney, the brand is xersion, and I love them, extra padding is on the heel and ball of foot.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I have cheap socks and name brand socks. It doesn't matter which ones I wear; I get holes where my big toe(nail) is, and I'm pretty OCD about keeping my toenails short and pretty.