300 cal burn a day or 600

so i have posted before about working out an hour everyday, but i have a question i have been thinking of working out 30 min a day instead of 60 min. My treadmill says i burn 600 cal in an hour and 300 in 30 min. I have the type of treadmill where you enter your weight so i assume its accurate i always stay under 1200 calories. Do you think that it would hurt to drop it down to 30 min a day? will it stall my weight loss? i know last night i was so tired that i couldnt go an hour so i did 30 min and i felt guilty.


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Doesn't matter how much exercise you do as long as you eat the right amount of calories. Just eat back half the calories since you're doing half the exercise. If you did no exercise and ate back no exercise calories you'd still lose weight.
  • Supermom883
    Supermom883 Posts: 84 Member
    Doesn't matter how much exercise you do as long as you eat the right amount of calories. Just eat back half the calories since you're doing half the exercise. If you did no exercise and ate back no exercise calories you'd still lose weight.

    ok great thanks i get so confused.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Weight loss about caloric deficit, so as long as your calorie intake is good...you're fine.
    Btw, kudos to you becuase I could never do an hour on the treadmill. 30 mins is my max. Soooooo boring.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Doesn't matter how much exercise you do as long as you eat the right amount of calories. Just eat back half the calories since you're doing half the exercise. If you did no exercise and ate back no exercise calories you'd still lose weight.

    ok great thanks i get so confused.

    In terms of weight loss, if you're following MFP, exercise is optional. When you do exercise, you should eat back the calories you've burnt. So no matter how much exercise you do, you'll lose weight.

    Of course the matter of knowing how much you've burned is another story. When using machines many people eat back 50-80% of the calories estimated as machines tend to overestimate. How much you eat is up to you - if you find your weight loss is slow, you could try eating back fewer exercise calories. But do eat back some if you're on 1200 a day!
  • CatHunterFit
    CatHunterFit Posts: 194 Member
    Try doing interval training on the treadmill instead. Look up HIIT if you don't know what I mean. Then you can cut down your workouts to 30 minutes and still work out hard.

    Don't rely on the cals burned stats on the the machines, they really aren't very accurate.

    You are doing great though. But I agree you need to eat more than 1,200 if you are running every day.
  • Supermom883
    Supermom883 Posts: 84 Member
    ok thanks guys and yes it does get boring. I am looking up HIIT now....and i will increase calories thanks again everyone....btw i went from 291 to 278.4 as of this morning YAY
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    You could grab some light dumbbells and do shoulder presses, bicep curls, tricep extensions while you're walking (assuming your balance is better than mine lol). But I do @30 min per day (exercise videos) and although my weight loss is slow, my fitness is improving in leaps and bounds so it's definitely enough.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    As long as you are doing something, great! If you have the time and volition to go for 60 minutes, by all means--go ahead!

    I would caution you, however, that even though you enter your weight on the treadmill, you might still be overestimating the calories you are burning.

    Are you walking or running? How fast are you going? How much do you weigh?

    Here's a quick calculator from Runner's World:

    CALORIES/MILE .57 x wt in lbs .72 x wt in lbs
    CALORIES/MIN .03 x wt in lbs .07 x wt in lbs

    To use the above, simply multiply your weight (in pounds) by the number shown. For example, if you weigh 188 lbs, you will burn about 107 calories (188 * .57) when you walk a mile, and about 135 calories (188 * .72) when you run a mile.

    Or you can plug your stats in online:


    I find that my numbers match pretty closely with my HRM (and less than any treadmill I've ever used).
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    ok thanks guys and yes it does get boring. I am looking up HIIT now....and i will increase calories thanks again everyone....btw i went from 291 to 278.4 as of this morning YAY

    If that is your weight you should probably be eating way more than 1200 calories. Please recalculate your deficit/intake. 1200 is the lowest recommended NET for females by most health care professionals.