How much is too much?

I have recently completed the Insanity program and throughout the program I lost about 14 lbs. I finished the program a couple of weeks ago and since then I have been running and doing the max insanity workouts (either run or do a workput eah day). I seem to be losing weigh really quickly even though I eat all of my calories and most of my exercise calories. I have actually lost 3.2lbs since last Friday? I feel great and I eat plenty to be satisfied. I eat a ton of veggies, fruits, nuts, lean meats and yogurt. I also drink about 80-100oz of water a day. Could it be that my boy is just adjusting to eating super healthy? Any suggestions or input?


  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    It could be due to either just natural changes in body weight or due to the fact that your body would of been retaining water to repair your muscles while doing insanity and has now released a lot of it.

    If the trend continues maybe up your calories a bit.