Problem: Sweet Tooth



  • billiebutton
    billiebutton Posts: 49 Member
    edited March 2015
    I feel you. I really struggle with this as well. It's nice reading everybody's suggestions.I know some may say I have no willpower and need to try harder. For now I just don't think it is realistic for me to cut out sweets completely. What I've been doing is measuring and counting. So I will let myself have those sour keys I love so much. Instead of having the serving size of 14 I count out 7 (about 90 cal). If you like ice cream try a sorbet that's not too high in sugar. I'll usually have 1/2 cup (80 cal) or 1 cup(160 cal)depending on where I'm at with my calories for the day. I also really like chocolate pudding which is using about 80-123 cals.

    Like ceevee6 said all natural peanut butter and apple slices is nie. I also will do all natural pb (1-2tbp) on top of 2 light wasa crackers and 1/3 of a banana.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member

    SueInAz wrote: »
    There are a lot of people who can do the moderation thing. They'll have a miniature candy bar instead of a whole one or a tablespoon of ice cream instead of a half cup and be satisfied. I'm not one of them, unfortunately.

    Who's eating a tablespoon of ice cream?! (My husband felt nuts enough when I made him measure me out a half cup the other night. ;) )

    lol more like 20 tablespoons!!

    As for the sweet tooth. I'm sitting here right now eating a punnet of blackberries. So yummy and sweet! !

  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    SueInAz wrote: »
    There are a lot of people who can do the moderation thing. They'll have a miniature candy bar instead of a whole one or a tablespoon of ice cream instead of a half cup and be satisfied. I'm not one of them, unfortunately.

    Who's eating a tablespoon of ice cream?! (My husband felt nuts enough when I made him measure me out a half cup the other night. ;) )

    lol more like 20 tablespoons!!

    As for the sweet tooth. I'm sitting here right now eating a punnet of blackberries. So yummy and sweet! !
    It's certainly not me eating one tablespoon, that's for sure! I've seen a few people in here say that and for me, it's like that old Lay's commercial "You can't eat just one."
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I buy high quality chocolate chips (you can buy Guittard's at Whole Foods) and have a few of those--I let them melt slowly on my tongue to get my chocolate fix. ~15 chips has ~30 calories.