Today is a NEW day - decide & commit to make the change now! pictures/sidetosideface2.jpg

Everyday is a new day to make that positive change in your life you've been thinking on for years. I thought about getting in shape for many many years and tried and failed many times. It wasn't until I found someone with the same passion for it that I was able to make that change. I wish I could say I did it all on my own. But that's no excuse because I see women and men doing it on a daily basis all by themself! I will admit it is absolutely much easier when you have someone in it with you. You have that person to keep you accountable and you don't want to tell them you didn't eat healthy that day because you don't want to disappoint them. Which ultimately will end up in disappointing yourself. If that's what you need to get started and keep at it then enlist your partner, best friend, co-worker, whomever is willing!

The important thing is to make that change. Take it one day at a time. Take small steps. Give yourself small goals to reach. Tell yourself that by the end of this week you're going to cut out soda, juice, sweet tea, alcohol - whatever it is you're drinking that's not water. If you think you can do two a week then cut out junk food & drinks by the end of the week. Then watch how much weight drops off you in the next two weeks just from cutting that out and drinking more water! Keep giving yourself small goals until you've cut out all the bad habits. Stop buying the bad stuff! If you don't have it in your pantry, fridge, or freezer it's much harder for it to make it into your mouth! Enlist the whole family in this endeavor. After all, you all want to be healthy. You want to be a positive role model for your children so they will grow up healthy and not end up being obese or have heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. While you're doing the above add in healthy things like more fruits and vegetables. Make a goal to start drinking half your body weight in water in ounces. It keeps your cells healthy, helps you to feel full, flushes out your organs, AND it makes you look younger!!! Try to eat lean meats like chicken, fish, turkey, and red meats SPARINGLY. Get rid of all the processed foods. They are only full of salt that will keep you bloated and tons of chemicals that cause disease. Try to eat whole foods that take time to prepare. This doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself of all the bad stuff. In my opinion you can have those things on occasion and it's not going to wreak havoc on your body like it does when you have it daily or weekly. I set goals and allow myself to have a treat when I reach them. Also, the healthy foods that some of you may think tastes bad will eventually start to taste good. I'm serious! Your taste buds change and adapt. You will also start to find healthy treats that will make you think you're actually cheating!Remember that getting healthy is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. If you put crap in your body then you're going to feel like crap and it's also going to reflect in the way you look. If you feed your body healthy foods it will love you back, I promise! Please decide to make the change and stick with it. I'm here if you need the help! I'm still on my journey and it has had it's ups and downs but I keep getting back up. I am determined to be here as long as possible for my kids. I want to be a healthy role model so they won't make the same mistakes I have. I also want to inspire as many people possible to make this change with me and the thousands of others doing it right now! So get off your butt, throw away all that crap or donate it, and start getting healthy! After all wouldn't it be wonderful to finally feel good about yourself, to not be in pain or embarrassed by the way you look, to just feel happy all the time, and to ERASE all those health problems that are caused by the food you put in your mouth. I for one was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I decided to break out of the vicious cycle and you can too! If I can do it you can do it - SO DO IT ALREADY!! :)
