traing for a half marathon and stuck

I'm working on training for my first half marathon and i'm getting faster but I still find myself walking more than jogging I feel. I'm finishing my miles on an average of 14 minutes and on a good day I can do 13 minute miles. Its seems to be so hard to keep up a jogging pace and I am short 5' which I feel doesn't help. I do training 6 days a week including cross-training on a bowflew at least 2x per week. i'm currently putting down 35 miles a week as well. I also have mild spastic cerebal palsey in my legs, and also if anyone knows any help for being shorter on one side would help to because my left leg is killing me i'm always leaning on that side because its the shorter side of my I just am curious if there's anything I can do to help keep myself jogging..i just don't see myself jogging the whole 13 miles.


  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    There is nothing wrong with not jogging the whole thing. I would think maybe some interveral walk/runs would be good for you. you walk BEFORE you get tired but for short periods of time...lets say you run for 5 minutes walk for 1...or find some ratio that works for you. But stick with it. I ran/walked my first two halves..well that wasn't the plan, but I ran too fast then ended up walking..then ran too fast, then ended up walking. I just finished my third half, and that one I ran the whole thing. But if this is your first half, your first long distance run, you may want to look at interval running.
  • kcrowers
    kcrowers Posts: 17
    i'm doing intervals right now usually I end up jogging for around 5 minutes walk at speed close to 4mph for like 7 minutes and then repeat. I do a long run already on the weekend where I finish the whole thirteen miles last week I ended with a time of 3:30, it was the first time I went the whole distance I disappointed myself just because I knew I could have finished faster, but It was also 95 dgrees out and like 80% humidity which I think might have affected it. I'm just not sure I was looking up times and they say you should be able to finish a half marathon in 1:45
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    Well two things, first yes the heat and humidity will play a HUGE role in your speed!!! I think it is like 30 seconds a mile slower for every 10 degrees over 50 degrees. So don't by any means get upset at a slower time in the heat. And as for finishing a half in 1:45 yep that is a good time....but I finished my first two in 2:21 and my last one in where near 1:45.. and honestly FINISHING your first half should be your goal you will PR no matter how fast you go! And then if you like it and want to do another one you can train more and pick up more speed. If I was you I might try to shorten up your walking interverals, if you need to slow your running a little to do so....maybe run 5 minutes walk 3 or 4....but that is hard in that kind of heat!! but once it cools down again you will have gained A LOT by running out in the heat!!
  • kcrowers
    kcrowers Posts: 17
    thanks for the advice this defiantly helped raise my hopes up for being able to do this :)
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    glad i could for being short my sister is 5' and it doesn't seem to slower her down (she is faser than me, and I'm 5'4") As for the one leg being shorter than the other...I don't know anything about that, if it isn't very much, then maybe putting an insole in your one shoe might help?
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I'm just not sure I was looking up times and they say you should be able to finish a half marathon in 1:45

    Who said that? My PR is 2:30:00 - I'm in awe of anyone who can do it in 2 hours or less.

    Look at the race protocol. Many races have a time limit - usually 3:30:00-4 hours - as long as you come in under that, then you're fine. You don't have to be the first one across the finish line to be successful. I consider successful making it to the finish :smile:
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    You don't actually need to do the full distance in training, try to find a structured training programme from somewhere like Runkeeper. Less than 2:30 will always be a good result less than 2 hours excellent my best about 20 years ago was 1:52.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    1:45 for a half marathon is an 8 minutes mile. Probably only about 10% of the runners finish in that time. You got some bad info there, so don't worry about it. For your first half, time should not be your focus. And if you are running 35 miles/ week, you are doing more than you need to. I just finished a full marathon and never had a training week over 35 miles. Focus on quality not quantity. I would suggest running 3-4 times per week. One run focus on doing a hilly course, another focus on trying to increase your speed over a short distance, and, of course your long run (which, BTW, does not need to be 13 miles). And finally, just run one day any way you want just because you love to run. Remind yourself why you like to run and you will be fine!