Feeling selfish/breastfeeding



  • mikhsh
    mikhsh Posts: 37 Member
    rhye wrote: »
    This place is amazing for both support and info for low supply moms: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IGTmamas/

    And I will heck this out too!
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    When she is off the boob you may also want to consider Goat Milk instead of Cows Milk. The fat & protein in the goats milk is much more similar to human milk than what cows milk is and I think better for them. Also the formulas are carefully balanced for what baby needs.
  • mikhsh
    mikhsh Posts: 37 Member
    DerekVTX wrote: »
    When she is off the boob you may also want to consider Goat Milk instead of Cows Milk. The fat & protein in the goats milk is much more similar to human milk than what cows milk is and I think better for them. Also the formulas are carefully balanced for what baby needs.

    Lol. Off the boob, that's how I say it too thought it was just me. Yes I was thinking of looking into goats milk, I would have to travel to get it but I bet it freezes well just like cow's milk.
  • mikhsh
    mikhsh Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you everyone for your help, I have decided to stick it out a little longer. I have upped my calories to 1800/day, and am going to continue taking fenugreek if I need it and revise the situation in another month. Like a previous poster said, she's only small once and breastmilk is recommended up until 2 and beyond by the World Health Organization so I will try longer. It's also been proven to reduce obesity when breastfed children become adults, so maybe this will help her so she doesn't end up in a similar situation as an adult :)
  • anacd
    anacd Posts: 38 Member
    After I wrote my whole reply I noticed you had already replied and is doing was I was going to recommend lol I'm also breastfeeding, so I understand the challenge it is to try eating enough calories not to reduce milk supply while still losing weight! I'm glad you decided to continue to breastfeed! It's the best for your baby :smile:
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    DerekVTX wrote: »
    I'm no expert by why not switch to Formula now. At a reduced calorie diet your baby may not be getting what he/she needs anyways. Also teeth may be coming soon....ouch!

    Oh gosh. First of all, breastmilk has way more nutrition than the formula. Mom and baby are in sync and the milk adjusts itself (more fat or more carbs) according to the baby's needs. If the mom is dieting, the baby will get the nutrition first and it's the mom who risks nutritional deficiencies.
    And a baby with teeth may try once of twice to bite, but when you explain to them, they understand. It's not like they are bitting machines.
  • FunkenWagnel
    FunkenWagnel Posts: 131 Member
    I'm so glad to see you're still going :) I have three kids, and stopped breastfeeding two of them early on due to certain problems we were having with breastfeeding. My youngest, I fed til two and a half and let her self wean.

    I think if it's going so well, it's nice to stick with it. It can slow down weight loss somewhat, but you can always exercise more in the meantime. That's how I dealt with it back then.