When I hit rock bottom.

I live in the south where there is food everywhere, deep- fried, greasy and pies EVERYWHERE. Ever since I was little I've been chubby I've gained pounds after pounds each year. I'm a senior in high school now, I'm 235 pounds but I've been in marching band and played starter varsity in softball ever since 9th grade. Two completely different things right? I would always talk about my weight like when skinny girls said they are so "flabby and fat" I would say, "GIRL, you should try being my weight!!" It never bothered me I always joked about my weight. I told myself I would never hit 230. But I went over 230. I thought I was just gaining weight from nothing but my eating habits went to the point of me eating 4 times a day and drank nothing but cokes and SWEET TEA. We was working out in softball the other day and I couldn't help but notice I couldn't even do a push up. I couldn't run a lap around the field without breathing so hard. Then two weeks ago we got our uniforms. I didn't fit into it. I've been able to fit into this uniform since 9th grade. I sat and cried and cried with my uniform on with buttons undone and fat bulging out of the sides. That was my breaking point, I finally got the courage to start loosing weight. I told myself I would never cry over me being this big ever again. I will beat this battle and be badass at it. I'm just now getting started dieting and exercising it is my second day but I can't help being proud of myself (so far isn't that crazy?) I can't wait to see the progress and to see all of my breaking points throughout this process. I do need supporters and coaches to help me through this. I want to show myself I'm a badass and I can defiantly make something of myself! It's funny how one little thing will impact you so much. Thank you for reading!☺️☺️


  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    OH GOOD FOR YOU! I totally respect that moment of vision where we know, just know, and resolve deep in ourselves that WE ARE CHANGING, as from now. Stay strong with your new resolve and decision, and let the community on MFP help. Send me a friend request if you like!!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I call it the "light switch" moment. You can almost hear it "click", can't you? You should be proud of yourself, you're taking a huge step in the right direction. I just said this in another post, so it's funny, but if I knew at your age what I know now about calorie counting, weight loss and being healthy my life would have been soooo different. Learn all you can here and make habits that will last you a lifetime. I'll leave you with a few thoughts:

    Forget what you think you know about weight loss especially what you get from the media and diet industry. You don't need to eat "healthy" or "clean" to lose weight. There's no magical combination of foods to eat (or avoid) unless you have a medical issue. Eating after a certain time of day won't store fat. No foods "burn belly fat" and you can't reduce fat in one specific area by doing something special. Drinking lots of water doesn't have an affect on weight loss. I think that covers most of it. :)

    Babysteps! Start slow. Make little changes and keep doing those things until they become habit then add another change. Right now, that change should be getting into the habit of weighing and measuring your food and logging every single thing you eat and drink. Everything down to the sweet tea, chewing gum and vitamins. You don't need to change what you're eating or how much you're eating yet, just log it all and be brutally honest with yourself. You may not like what you're seeing but you'll learn a lot more if you can correlate what you're eating and and how many calories it contains.

    After a week or so, look back over your diary and figure out where you can make some substitutions that will have big impact. Smaller portions at meals. Swapping the sweet tea for tea sweetened with Splenda or Stevia or even water. At this point you should strive to stay at, or just under, the calorie goal MFP sets for you every single day. Don't worry about sugar, carbs, fat and protein yet. Once you get logging and staying under your calorie goal you can focus on those things (including figuring out your TDEE, BMR, etc.)

    Exercise isn't needed for weight loss but it's important for fitness and overall health. Don't join a gym right away if you don't belong to one (babysteps!) just start moving more. Spend extra time practicing softball. Start walking the track then run and walk it.

    The measuring tape is a better tool than the bathroom scale for judging your progress. In addition to "Before" pictures, measure your chest, waist, hips, thighs and any other body part you want to track and start recording them in MFP now. When the scale isn't moving your body might still be shrinking especially if you're lifting weights.

    The most important thing right now is that what you're doing is sustainable. You shouldn't be trying to reach an end goal weight but changing your eating habits for life so you don't gain the weight back. That means that whichever way you're eating while you lose weight should be the way you plan to eat once you reach your goal, just a little more of it.